Physical Education

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club had just ended and me and Armon walked into physical education class,

We had free time,

per usual,

we walked over to Jake and Milly,

 "Henry! What happened to your eye?" Jake asked in shock,

"He wouldn't tell me and the others in the art club, I knew he was lying but he said that he wanted to tell us here." Armon explained,

"Well, go on, what happened?" They continued,

I was upset,

"It's nothing okay! I told you that I just fell down the stairs!" I exclaimed,

"Henry, I can tell when you're lying, please tell us what happened, we won't judge!" Armon informed me,

"No! No one needs to know about my family problems Armon!" I yelled,

"Wait... It was your family who did this...?" Jake said,

I then realized what I had just told them.

I looked at the floor,

"Henry... What happened, we won't tell anyone." Milly reassured,

"Fine... My mom and dad were arguing like usual but my mom grabbed her stuff and left, I closed my room door and I laid down on my bed so that I could process what happened. A few hours passed and then my dad knocked on my door, I said 'Hey dad what is it' and he told me not to call him dad and threw me on the floor and punched me." I explained,

"Henry! Did you get hurt anywhere else!?" Armon exclaimed,

I rolled up the sleeve of my jacket and showed them my arm,

"You need to go to the nurse Henry!" They said,

"No. Then i'd have to tell them what happened and you said that you would tell no one." I told them,

"...Fine..." Armon told me,

"Henry, do you want to come over to my house later today, so that you don't have to be at yours?" Jake asked,

"Sure." I said,

and we talked for a bit until we had to switch classes.

Jake's POV

I sat in class until the bell finally dismissed us to leave,

I made my way into the music club and the others looked at me,

"Hey Jake, do you know what happened to Henry's eye?" Hailey asked,

"I don't think he wants us to tell anyone..." I told her,

"Pleasseeeeee, we won't tell anyone else!" She pleaded,

"Ok fine, but you can't tell anyone, not even an adult or anything! You got it?" I said,

"I got it!" Hailey said,

The whole club turned to look at me,

"Well we were in Phys Ed and he told us that his father and mother were arguing and his mom left the house, his dad got mad and threw him and punched him." I told them,

no one said anything for a long while,

"Has that been happening a lot?" Hailey asked,

"Well a few days ago Henry came over to my house because his parents were arguing and apparently they have done it since he was 5, and was verbally abused by his mother often..." I told them,

"That must have been hard for him..." Sean said,

"You guys can't tell anyone though!" I told them,

"Okay... We should start practicing now though." Hailey said,

and with that we started practicing.

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