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Baekhyun sighed with relief after drying the last plate that he washed. It's already past one 'o clock in the morning and he is dead tired. He grabbed the paper bag and walk out of the kitchen to go to his cottage. His hands hurts and decided to get some ointment in the medicine cabinet in one of the bathrooms. He knows that each bathrooms in this house have a medicine cabinet. He went to the nearest bathroom but he didn't find the ointment for the sore skin. " Maybe the bathroom next to one of the guest's room?" Baekhyun sighed and headed to the right wing of the house, he crossed the first living room and headed to the bathroom just next to one of the guest's room. Upon opening the door, Baekhyun is not prepared to see Chanyeol inside, sitting on the floor with eyes closed obviously drunk. Baekhyun doesn't know if he will just left him there or wake him up. " But he will be cold." He thought to himself. He decided to wake him up. He kneeled down in front of Chanyeol and take his time to look at his handsome face. He can't help himself to trace his face with his trembling fingers, from his close eyes to his perfect nose and down to his plump lips. Baekhyun's hand is trembling, this is the first time for him to be physically close to someone other than his mother. And to think that this is Chanyeol, the man that he fell in love with at first sight, Baekhyun was overwhelmed with the feeling and felt guilty at the same time. He close his eyes and take a deep breath, one hand still at Chanyeol's cheek. When he open his eyes he was welcome again of Chanyeol's plump lips. Like something is pulling him, Baekhyun lean closer to Chanyeol. " Just a peck.. just a peck. He wouldn't know." He said to himself. He leaned closer, inch away from Chanyeol's red lips but before he can crossed the gap - Baekhyun came to his senses. " This is so wrong!" said the little voice in his head. He's about to pull away when suddenly Chanyeol grabbed his hand that still on Chanyeol's cheek. And Baekhyun wants to run when Chanyeol opened his eyes and looked at him with darkness in it and something else that Baekhyun cannot put a name of.

" What are you?" Chanyeol said in a cold voice, almost a whisper like he is asking himself.

Baekhyun open his mouth but words can't come out. He wants to get up and run. But before he can do that, Chanyeol pulled him close and crashed his lips to Baekhyun's and kissed the life out of him.

There you go! Next chaps would be more fun or maybe not! 🍒JD🍓

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