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Baekbyun sighed after he served the desserts. He can't wait to leave the restaurant because sharing the same air with Chanyeol and Dara seems suffocating for him. He went to the kitchen and put down the tray to drink water. He suddenly felt dizzy.

" Baekhyun-ah, thank you for your help tonight. I really appreciate it. " Mr. Lee said with a grateful smile. " You can go now, I will finish the rest. "

" Okay. " Baekhyun bowed to Mr. Lee.

" I will put your today's OT to your salary next week and good luck with your presentation tomorrow!" Mr. Lee patted his back.

" Thank you. " Baekhyun gave him a small smile. He went to the locker room to pickup his things and rushed outside only to be dismayed to see that it started raining. Shit! I don't have umbrella!

He thought of going inside again and ask his boss if he has a spare umbrella but maybe Mr. Lee now is waiting for Chanyeol and Dara since he left already.

I will just run to the bus stop and catch a taxi if there's no more bus. And then he starts to run putting his bag on top of his head as cover. He reached the bus stop and shivered as the rain comes with the wind in this autumn night. Luhan's apartment were still six blocks away and if he will ran to there he knows he will be drenched since the rain suddenly became heavy. Hurry up bus! Baekhyun prayed as he embraced his self.

" Thank you , Mr. Lee for the great food and fantastic night." Chanyeol was very pleased with the outcome of his surprise dinner for Dara.

" We really enjoyed the food. Chanyeol can't get enough of the dessert that I shared mine to him!" Dara chirped in laughing.

" It was indeed superb! I love it!" Chanyeol smiled widely thinking again the heavenly dessert that they just had.

" I'm glad you liked it. Baekhyun's desserts are one of our menu's top sellers! " Mr. Lee said proudly.

" Baekhyun did the desserts?" Dara was amazed. It was really heavenly.

" Yes. " Mr. Lee confirmed and Chanyeol almost choked from what he learned. That's what I've missed from ignoring Baekhyun's cooking?

" Where is he? I want to give him a tip or something. He did a good job. " Dara praised the beautiful boy she had ever seen.

" He needed to leave first, he have an early class presentation tomorrow and need to revised it tonight. I'm just glad that he was able to help since he is my best employee and very trustworthy." Mr. Lee explained.

" I see. His name sounds familiar but I can't really remember where I heard it. " Dara pouted.

" He is an exchange student from Yonsei University in Korea." Mr. Lee said, trying to be helpful.

" RIGHT! We're attending the same school! " Dara beamed at the realization. " Love, isn't he is the one that Jongin had a crush on?" She asked Chanyeol who suddenly became quiet.

" I'm not really sure, sweety since the boys always goof around each other. " Chanyeol's voice uninterested.

" We should be going, I think it's started to rain. " Chanyeol got up and shakes Mr. Lee's hand. " Thank you for tonight."

" It is our pleasure to have you, Mr. Park and the lovely Miss Dara. " sounding pleased.

" Mr. Lee, what do you think if I featured your restaurant on my channel? " Dara asked hopefuls.

" That would be great! " Mr. Lee is rejoicing inside.

" Our schedule are tight but I think it won't hurt if I squeeze it tomorrow morning for two hours. Do you think it's possible to close the restaurant for an hour or two while we shoot the place? " Dara was calculating their time on her head.

" Of course! No problem at all. " Mr. Lee said very happy with the opportunity.

" Then we will comeback tomorrow at 11 am. " Dara said and shake Mr. Lee's hand.

" I will prepare our best sellers! " Mr. Lee promised before ushering them outside the restaurant and when he sees that it's raining, he even walked the couple to their car with an umbrella.

I hope Baekhyun have an umbrella. He thought to himself as he go back inside the restaurant.

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