After they left the university, Minseok brings Baekhyun to a first class Italian restaurant for he knows that his friend loves pasta and pizza. But even the food were superb, Baekhyun barely touch his food.
" Are you okay Baek? " Minseok asked softly.
" Uhmm..yes. " Baekhyun forced a smile. He doesn't want to burden Minseok for being down and all but he can't help the loneliness that washes him because in this important occasion he feels so empty.
" You should eat some more, you became thinner since the last time I saw you. " Minseok put a slice of pizza on Baekhyun's plate. He can see how Baekhyun is trying to appear fine but he knows that inside his friend is battling some emotions that he can't share with anyone. Fuck you, Park Chanyeol! Minseok cursed in his head.
" Thank you, Minmin. I really appreciate you being here. " Baekhyun gave him a sincere smile.
" I'm glad I came Baek. Now eat. Let's visit your mother after we had our lunch. " He offered kindly. It will be a two hours drive to Baekhyun's mother resting place outside Seoul but he won't mind doing it. He knew how important it is for Baekhyun to visit his mother today.
Baekhyun just nodded teary-eyed, he is really grateful to Minseok for accompanying him today. Having him as a friend made him feel less lonely.
Baekhyun was quiet during the whole car ride and Minseok just let him with his thoughts. When they reached his mother's grave, Baekhyun broke down in tears.
" Eomma, I fulfilled your dreams for me. I graduated with the highest honors. Are you proud of me? Are you watching over me? Are you disappointed because I'm living miserably? Is it because I'm a bad person for stealing Chanyeol from Yeri? Because I can't make my husband love me? Because I can't be truly happy? " Baekhyun shed silent tears while staring at his mother's picture. He misses her so much and the thoughts of his mother being disappointed with him breaks his heart. Minseok silently watched his friend cried, he knows Baekhyun needs a good cry after suffering only God knows how much in his life. Baekhyun cried for a good one hour and Minseok just let him be.
When they drove back to Seoul, Baekhyun asked Minseok to have an early dinner together. But after he ordered food, Baekhyun ordered alcohol and started drinking instead of eating. Minseok was worried knowing that even though Baekhyun can drink, he is not a good drinker. He tried to stopped Baekhyun when he finishes his fourth bottle of soju.
" That's enough, Baek! " Minseok took the glass away from Baekhyun's hand but the smaller was gripping it too tight that Minseok is afraid it will break in his delicate hand.
" Just let me, Minmin. " Baekhyun looked at him with tearful eyes.. " It hurts. I just want to numb the pain away.." Baekhyun started sobbing. He can't take the pain he is feeling in his heart right now that he is so desperate to forget about it even for a moment.
Minseok hugged Baekhyun and tried to comfort his friend. He saw Baekhyun trying to appear strong most of the time but he knew how much he is breaking inside. He looked at Baekhyun's beautiful hand and he clenches his teeth while staring at the ring that Baekhyun is wearing. Maybe it's in the wrong finger but Minseok knows a wedding ring when he sees one. Baekhyun won't tell him or anyone anything about his personal life but being friends with Baekhyun and watching him closely, he came to a conclusion that Park Chanyeol is not just a normal crush.
Baekhyun fell asleep from crying, Minseok's phone rings a minute after he sent Jongdae a message.
" How is Baek?! " Jongdae asked worriedly.
" He fell asleep,hon. He is so drunk." Minseok showed Jongdae the sleeping Baekhyun besides him.
" He cried?! " Jongdae noticed the dried tears in Baekhyun's pale face.
" Since we visited his mother. " Minseok answered simply. He haven't mention yet to his boyfriend his theory about Baekhyun and Park Chanyeol.
" Oh dear! Our poor Baekhyunee.." Jongdae started to feel guilty again for not being able to come. " It could be a lot worst if you didn't come, hon. " He tried to comfort himself knowing Minseok is with Baekhyun.
" I will take him home now, it's a long day for both of us. "
" Drive safely, hon. " Jongdae knows that his boyfriend didn't touch alcohol because Minseok don't drink and drive.
" I will. You take a rest too, hon. Mom will come later to help you with your discharge. " Minseok's mother is a doctor in the hospital where Jongdae was in. That's why he felt at ease leaving his boyfriend. His mother assured them that Jongdae will recover soon.
" Please call me when you get home. I love you, " Jongdae yawn.
" I love you too. hon. " Minseok cut the call and wakes up Baekhyun who tried his best to walked to the car and fell asleep again once he settled in the passenger seat.
He drove Baekhyun home and helped the smaller to walk to the front door, afraid that he might tripped or fall because he parked a little far away from his house for there are cars that are parked at the front gate.
Baekhyun tried to sober up but the exhaustion is eating him. He just wants to go to bed and sleep forever. He punched the pass code of the front door and Minseok's one eyebrow raised a notch when he saw the numbers 112792. Every students at his former school knows that it's Park Chanyeol's birthday for it was tattooed on the giant's wrist. Not to mention that he saw Chanyeol's jeep parked outside that Baekhyun missed to notice because he was drunk.
Baekhyun pushed the door hard out of drunkenness and the sight that welcomes him made him sobering up a little.
" BYUN BAEKHYUN ?! Kyungsoo was the first one to get out from shock. " What are you doing here?!"
Baekhyun froze where he is standing and before he can even think of an answer , he heard Minseok's answered Kyungsoo.
" Maybe because this is his house, that's why.. " Minseok replied sarcastically. He had enough of Baekhyun's miseries and seeing the shocked face of Chanyeol's friends, he can tell they didn't know a shit about Baekhyun.
" What?! But this is Chanyeol's house! " Kyungsoo said in disbelief, looking at Chanyeol who's now glaring intently at Baekhyun .
The others are too dumbfounded from seeing Baekhyun and the fact that he lives in this house too, but they are not ready for another shocking truth when Minseok angrily blurted out..
Oh mother, please take me now! Baekhyun silently prayed as he meet Chanyeol's darkened eyes.
A/N: So sorry for not updating regularly. Work right now is quite hectic besides some personal issues. I tried to write this chapter just to give you guys an update and if this came out lame.. again,my apologies. My eyes closed a lot while typing so any errors I will just update in the morning. Thank you for waiting and for your patience. 🍒JD🍓

Once A Park : Cry For Love
FanfictionByun Baekhyun vows to love Park Chanyeol through out his life and make him fall in love with him too. But Chanyeol vows to make Baekhyun's life a living hell. Once he became a Park.. Will Baekhyun be forever a Park? -->->->->->- ‼️ Please don't cop...