Chanyeol is walking leisurely at the back garden of the Byun's mansion. After hearing from the maid that Yeri still at her baking lesson he decided to go to the garden to retrieve something. When he and Yeri were twelve years old they decided to buried a time capsule and agreed to dig it out when they finished high school. It would be fun to do it with her but for him, Yeri's soft hands doesn't deserve to get dirty. He made a mental promise though that he won't open the capsule without her.
Half way on his walk near the old green house where he and Yeri buried it , Chanyeol was interrupted by someone's laughing. Chanyeol paused and look around. It's almost four o' clock in the afternoon and he knows that no one really goes to this garden since it's a little unkept now compared to the grandeur of the Japanese inspired front garden where the Byuns held most of their social gatherings. Chanyeol walk a bit to the right when he heard the laughs again. And there under an old oak tree he saw a boy holding a book, immense in his own world. Chanyeol stares at him really not sure if he wants to approach him or not. And while his contemplating if he will do it or just leave , the boy raised his head and look at his way still wearing a smile. Chanyeol never felt so dumbfounded in his life!
Baekhyun have a free afternoon. He doesn't need to go to his part time job and he finishes all his schoolwork. He finally bought the book that he's been saving up for months and decided to read it in his favorite spot in the garden under the old Oak tree. Baekhyun is having a good laugh while reading it. Since his mother's death and having no friends to really bonded to, laughing is such a rare thing for Baekhyun now. Even at his part time job that required a lot of smiling while taking orders and talking to the customers, Baekhyun's smile is always timid or forced. And when Baekhyun is laughing so carefree not worried that someone might see or hear him because he knows that no one really go to this garden now, he let down his guard and be himself. Back when he was still Lee Baekhyun he was a naturally cheerful person. His mother always told him that every time he laughs it is always contagious. And his smile after each laugh is the most beautiful sight. Baekhyun of course never believed that for he knows that his mother was his number one fan. And aren't mothers always complimented their children?
Baekhyun was so entertained by the story that he keeps repeating reading the funny parts. He can feel himself loosening up from laughing. Somehow he can feel his old self again and it felt good. He laughed at his heart content and still smiling when he raised his head only to be met by the stares of the guy that he is trying not to think about. The guy that named Park Chanyeol.
Whew! I think I survived this one. Way to go!

Once A Park : Cry For Love
FanfictionByun Baekhyun vows to love Park Chanyeol through out his life and make him fall in love with him too. But Chanyeol vows to make Baekhyun's life a living hell. Once he became a Park.. Will Baekhyun be forever a Park? -->->->->->- ‼️ Please don't cop...