Chapter 14

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Dream land...

Another dream...?

In part of the rose maze, the Queen of Hearts found that someone had painted the white roses red and is furious at the discovery.

<Queen of Hearts> For painting my roses red, someone will lose his head!

<Three of Clubs> Y-your Majesty, if anyone's to blame, it's him!

<Two of Clubs> Have mercy, Your Grace. It was the Ace!

<Queen of Hearts> So it was YOU.

<Ace of Clubs> Gah, no, it was the Two!

<Queen of Hearts> Then he will pay.

<Two of Clubs> It was the Three, I say!

<Queen of Hearts> Enough of this. Off will ALL their heads!

The other cards cheered as the three clubs got dragged away. The Queen of Hearts laughed as the three cards got dragged away.

<Two of Diamonds> A fitting end. Color, you can't mend.

<Three of Spades> Everyone knows the roses should be red.


Your pov...

Italics- thoughts

Why doesn't anyone stop the Queen? It seemed like an honest mistake to me. The Queen reminds me of Abuela and my family.

"Y/n, wake up," a voice says as I started to become conscious. I slowly open my eyes to see Deuce standing on the side of my bed. "The unbirthday party is today. If we're late, well, you know..."

"Oh yeah, that's right," I rubbed sleep out of my eyes. "We have an unbirthday to go to."

"Hmm," Deuce says as we heard a loud knock at the front door. "It sounds like you have a visitor."

"I wonder who it is," I say as I get up. I asked Deuce to leave the room as I got dressed for the day. Once I got dressed, I went downstairs to see that Ace had let Cater in the dorm.

"Good mooorning," Cater greets. "Did you all enjoy your sleep over? Did you bond over pillow fights and card games?"

"I don't think bond is the right word," Deuce sighs as he recalls the events of the night prior.

"Good morning, Cater," Ace greeted Cater back, ignoring Deuce's comment. "We did play some cards, yeah. But only Old Maid, 'cause that was the only one Grim knew how to play."

"And I still got the old maid every time, dang it," Grim frowned.

"You were too easy to read," I laugh.

"Let's just say that Grim doesn't have a very good poker face," Deuce adds on.

"Well, you should get one of the tarts we made yesterday and go apologize to Riddle," Cater suggests. "And you should probs hurry, because after the trouble yesterday, we're a little short-handed."

"What does that mean," Ace questioned and Cater scratched his neck.

"Don't worry," Cater smiles. "I've totes got it under control. Anyway, off to the party we go!"

"Let's go then," I say and we make our way to the Heartslabyul Dorm.

⦕Small time skip...⦖

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