Chapter 25

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3rd Pov...


"Huh. That's actually not half bad, dude," Ace smiles after Riddle finished telling them his plan.

"That is quite a plan, Housewarden Rosehearts," Deuce compliments.

"Sounds like ol' Cay-Cay has a lot of prep work to do before the big day," Cater looked at his phone.

"Thank you, Cater," Riddle thanked Cater. "Take care not to raise any suspicions."

"So H-B-U, Jack," Cater looks at Jack. "You heard Riddle's plan. Are you in or out?"

"There's nothing cowardly about it, at least," Jack thought about it. "I suppose we can work together this one time."

"Really feelin' the trust there, Jack," Grim frowned.

"Cool beans. Let's all get back to our dorms for today," Ace rubs the back of his head. "I know I'm about ready to keel over."

"Yeah, and I'm starving," Grim's ears went down.

"Hold on a moment, freshman," Riddle stops them from getting too carried away. "Because of the information it yielded, I am going to overlook you flagrant violation of rule #6: No fighting on campus. But rest assured that if it happens again, it will cost you your heads. Are we clear?"

"Yes sir, Housewarden Rosehearts," Ace, Deuce, and Grim exclaim.

"...Yeah," Jack rubbed his head in shame.

"Very well," Riddle accepts the freshman's responses. "Let us return to our dorms." Riddle walked away.

"Man, I thought he looked like a wuss, but your housewarden is one scary dude," Jack whispers to Ace. "You ain't wrong. Mistake him for a friendly hedgehog and you'll quickly learn he's actually a furious porcupine." Everyone disputed and went back to their dorms.


Dream land...

The smell of... earth? Is this a cave or something? There was a bird in a cage made of animal bones, and a lion was lying not far from the cage.

<Scar> Oh, Zazu, do lighten up and sing something for me with a little bounce in it.

<Zazu> Oh... I would never have had to do this for Mufasa.

<Scar> What? What did you say? KING!

<Banzai> Hey, Boss! We got a bone to pick with you.

<Shenzi> Scar, there's no food, no water... We're hungry!

<Scar> What are you complaining to me for? Eat Zazu.

<Banzai> I thought things were bad under Mufasa...

<Scar> What did you say?! Get out!

<Ed> But we're still hungry!


Your Pov...

Italics- thoughts

What was that dream for? Does that mean Leona will fail? Who's gonna stop him?

A Fox Surrounded in Darkness (Twisted Wonderland x Encanto f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now