Chapter 18

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Your pov...

Italics- thoughts

"Hey, y/n," a voice calls out to me through the darkness. "It's time to wake up." I feel pressure on the side of me and then I am smacked in the face with something. I open my eyes to see Ace on the side of me holding a pillow and Deuce looking at him in disappointment.

"Ha, see Juice, I was able to wake her up," Ace cheers. He moves to also wack Deuce in the face with the pillow.

"That's not how you wake people up," Deuce grunts as he avoids the pillow that's swinging at him. I move to sit up as I watch them move around the room. I laugh as Ace was finally able to hit Deuce in the face with the pillow.

"What are you two doing here so early," I ask them.

"We are here to escort you to the make-up unbirthday party," Deuce answers. "There is still a bit of time before it starts so you can get ready."

"Thanks Deuce," I smile as I get up out of bed to find my school uniform.

"Uh... actually..." Ace pauses and I turn to look at him. "Cater gave us this to give to you. It's the dorm uniform for Heartslaybul." Ace picks up a bag that was placed by the door.

"It's just the standard uniform, so no special changes were made to it," Deuce adds.

"Aww that's so nice of you guys," I say as I grab the bag from Ace. "I'll make sure to take good care of it." I head over to the bathroom to change and do my daily morning routine. As I exit the bathroom, Ace and Deuce are still in my bedroom and look at me in shock.

"You look really good," Deuce compliments with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"It's like you're a student now," Ace cheekily teases. I playfully glare at him.

"I'll have you know," I started to say in the most uptight way I could. "I am a student of Night Raven College and no I don't have a stick up my ass."

"Pfft⎼" Deuce's shoulders start to shake. I put my pajamas away and led the duo out of my bedroom.

"I do know for a fact that I am the best student here," I continue. We head down the stairs and find Grim in the lounge. "Even though I don't have any prior academic records, I will be going down in the school's history books."

"Huh?! The Great Grim will surely have more spotlight and recognition than you henchwoman," Grim brags.

"I can see the headlines now," I giggled. "The Great Grim has burned down family homes for not having tuna in stock, for they knew that he was arriving to their area."

"I would pay good money to see that on the news," Ace laughed. He slung an arm around my shoulder. (A/n- your height can be whatever, within reason. For the plot though, I'm going with 5'5''.)

"I don't appreciate your comments, henchwoman," Grim grumbled.

"Entonces no sea algo que pueda comentar," I sigh. "So this unbirthday 'do-over'... It's not gonna end in a fight right."

"Nope it shouldn't," Ace smiled. "If Riddle says anything to you out of line, I will punch his face again."

"Por supuesto que sí," I giggle. "So did you two help out with setting up?"

"No, we didn't," Deuce beamed. "I decided to try to get ahead on the school work."

"That's good," I smile. I was happy that they were able to rest, dealing with Riddle's overblot was rough. I'm still wrapped up like a mummy, but it kinda gives me comfort. Shibishu had given me a bunch of bandages laced with magic that make them feel like a nice blanket for my skin.

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