Chapter 41- Camp Vargas II

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Underline italics- Idia talking through his tablet

◦•●◉✿14 days till Halloween✿◉●•◦

⦕In the morning...⦖

⦓Mirror Chamber⦔

"Could you please stop sighing, Idia," Azul scolded Idia. "You're bringing the mood down."

"He's been like this ever since the assembly," Ortho states. "His vitals are normal, but he has elevated stress levels. I'm part of the Film Research Club, so I should go join them now. Remember, Idia—no leaving without permission, okay? After all, we don't get to go camping every day! You and the Board Game Club will get to have some quality bonding time. I'll be rooting for you!"

"Nooo, don't leave me, Orthooo," Idia whines. "I can't do all this camping junk by myself!"

"You'll have to pull your weight, you know," Azul points out to Idia. "I won't allow you to skip the challenges and just turn up for meals."

"It may not be as bad as you anticipate, you know," Jade enters the conversation. "Floyd said it was fun when I asked him."

"Dude... Look, uh..." Idia stutters then starts to rapidly type on his tablet. "Quick q: when Floyd calls something "fun," is that really a credible claim?"

"Oh, absolutely," Jade confirms. "You can take it from me as his brother."

"It's finally time to head out," Lilia says. "Kalim, do you have everything you'll need?"

"Yup, I'm totally covered," Kalim smiled. "Jamil packed for me. I've got medicine for an upset stomach, a salve, disinfectant, bandages, and... Wait, what's this thing again?"

"Leave it to Jamil to cover all the bases, huh," Cater shakes his head. "You've even got meds for serious emergencies."

"Well, you can never be too prepared," Lilia chuckled. "Malleus made sure to read through the camp overview this morning as a precaution. Which meant he lost track of time. He wouldn't have made it at all if I hadn't noticed. Isn't that right?"

"I appreciate it, Lilia," Malleus thanked Lilia. "It would have been a terrible waste to do all that preparation and then miss the trip itself."

"I'm looking forward to spending the next three days with you, Vil Schoenheit," Ortho cheers.

"Likewise, I'm sure your equanimity will be a great asset at camp," Vil smiles. "Between the Board Game Club's moping and the Pop Music Club's enthusiasm, I'm sure there'll never be a dull moment."

"'Tis to be expected, Vil," Rook states. "It will certainly be a trip to remember. I myself am quite excited about all the beautiful things I might discover at our destination. What about you, Trey?"

"Hey, I just don't want to change clubs," Trey puts his arms up in surrenderance. "'ll do just enough to make sure they don't think I'm slacking. Though the fact that we had to bring our PE clothes means we'll probably be working hard."

"All right, looks like everyone's here," Vargas clapped his hands together. "Time to head out, boys! O Dark Mirror, guide us to our destination!"

⦓Dwarfs' Mine- Silent Woods⦔

"Smell that wonderful, crisp air," Jade takes a deep breath. "Look at how the forest appears to stretch on forever, and how those giant mountains encircle it all... I couldn't ask for a lovelier camping spot."

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