Chapter 20- The Usurper from the Wilds

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A formation of rocks comes into view. The sun is shining and there are a few clouds in the sky.

I can hear the wind...

A lion can be seen walking on the formation of rocks towards the cliff. A mandrill appears behind the lion, following behind him. Once getting to the cliff of the mandrill takes the lion's cub into its arms and moves closer to the end of the cliff and raises the cub to the air. Underneath the cliff were all of the animals that were under the care of the lion. They all had celebrated the birth of the cub.


Your pov...

Italics- thoughts

❚█══A few days later══█❚

I awake to the sound of Grim flailing and making noise on the bed. I groggily open my eyes to look at Grim. What the heck is he dreaming about? Grim goes on making some weird noises and I decide to ignore him. Guess it's time to get up, I wonder what that dream was about. I get up out of the bed to get ready for the day.

"That's right! Cower before me, teapot tyrant," Grim startles himself awake and falls off the bed. I look over at him and giggle.

"How was your sleep," I asked him.

"I was dreaming that I was trouncing Riddle with my magic," Grim answered. "You shoulda seen his face..."

"That whole day was exhausting," I sigh. "I'm still covered in bandages. At least I'm healing alright. I think it's weird that Julieta's arepas aren't healing me the way they are supposed to. Anyways, Grim, clean yourself up for class."

"Right, I'll fix my bedhead," Grim started to lick his fur down. "I've got magic to master in class!" After Grim got his fur ready, he and I went to our first class.

⦕Small time skip...⦖

"Ugh. Professor Trein must have cast a sleepin' spell on me," Grim complained as we entered the cafeteria. "I fought to stay awake, but he was sooo boring!"

"Yeah, fought, sure," Deuce sarcastically agreed. "I heard you snoring five minutes in."

"Grub time," Ace said as he was walking further into the cafeteria. "What's it gonna be today. Huh, wait? What's going on? Why's it so crowded in here?"

"That famous bakery from out of town is serving up their goods", a ghost appears and answers Ace. The ghost was wearing a chef's hat. "It only happens once a month! Their stock sells out fast, so you'd better hurry!"

"Gimme three of those chocolate croissants!"

"Woo-hoo, I actually snagged an egg sandwich this month! These things are AMAZING!"

"Egg sandwiches are now sold out," another chef ghost announced. "Only one deluxe ham and cheese left!"

"Oh,man,everything looks amazing," Ace smiles as he makes it to the front of the line. Deuce, Grim, and I were following Ace. "I'm gonna see if I can grab somethin'."

"Wow, they really do seem popular! Y/n, Grim, what do you—" Deuce was interrupted. "Huh?"

"What," I looked around. "Mierda! Where did Grim go?!"

"Hey! Outta my way, losers," Grim's voice could be heard in the crowd of people. "That grilled cheese is mine!"

"Hey, No cutting!"

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