Chapter 44- Terror is Trending (cont.)

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An- So this is the design for Grim's outfit. The flower on his 'belt' is a marigold. There is a bit of makeup on Grim's face, it's just the stitch effect around his mouth. This was kinda hard to make, but I like how it came out.

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Your Pov...

Italics- thoughts

◦•●◉✿11 days till Halloween✿◉●•◦


"Hey, Y/n," Ace calls over to me. Deuce was sitting in between Ace and I in Mr. Crewel's class. "What are you sketching over there?"

"Huh," Deuce looks over at me confused. "Were you not taking notes?"

"I was taking notes," I huff. "I was sketching the costume that I was going to make for Grim. We agreed that we should also do something for Halloween, but we don't know much about it. So I suggested that we make día de los muertos outfits."

"Can we see your idea," Deuce asks.

"Sure," I smile and show the duo my sketch. "I had a few markers and pens that I used for the color. I hope it doesn't look too bad."

"It looks really good," Deuce compliments. "I'm glad you aren't feeling too left out."

"Thanks," I say. "Oh, and it also helps that Diasomnia is decorating the dorm, so I only have to worry about our outfits and my makeup."

"Makeup, you say," Ace grins at me.

"What is going through your head this time," I question.

"You make it seem like me using my brain is a bad thing," Ace frowns.

"It kinda is," Deuce states.

"Oi," Ace exclaims, but then calms down since Mr. Crewel looked over at our group. "Anyways what I was going to say is that you should come with me after class to Pomefiore. Their housewarden wants every dorm's makeup rep to come."

"Are you sure that I won't crash it," I was unsure of the invitation.

"Dude, it's fine," Ace waves off my concern. "If anything the housewarden would be happy to help you look your best."

"Alright," I smile. "I'll come with you. Deuce, do you think you could watch over Grim for a bit."

"Yeah, that will be no problem," Deuce assures me.

⦕Small time skip...⦖

⦓Pomefiore- Lounge⦔

"I see everyone is here," Vil greets the group, wearing his dorm's Halloween outfit. I hid slightly behind Ace. "Welcome to Pomefiore. I'm shocked none of you are late, considering the group we have assembled today. Should I expect it to start snowing this Halloween as well?"

"Hey, Halloween week is totally different," Ace gets defensive. "Of course we're gonna be on top of our game. Why'd you call us here, anyway? You wanted every dorm's makeup rep, and you got us."

"Maybe he's gonna share some of his fancy cosmetic kits with us," Ruggie laughs.

"I can't say I have an eye for quality when it comes to that sort of thing..." Silver comments. "But I'm certain that anything the housewarden of Pomefiore recommends must be exceptional."

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