Chapter 23

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Your Pov...

Italics- thoughts

⦓Pomefiore- Lounge⦔

"Let's start here at Pomefiore," Cater says as he looks at his phone. "There's a junior named Rook Hunt who's caught my eye.He has a blond bob cut and a fedora— you can't miss him."

"Rook is an exceptional player," Riddle explained. "He performed extremely well in last year's tournament. But he is a bit of an... odd duck, one might say."

"Oh, is that him sitting over there," Deuce asked as he nodded over to a blond guy wearing a fedora sitting across the lounge at a table. He was sitting with two other students. One had blond hair with a purple ombre and the other boy had short light purple hair.

"Whoa," Ace exclaimed. "That dude's, like, a glitter bomb in human form. He's basically sparking."

"Non, Epel, non," 'Rook' chastised. "When you lift your teacup, do not insert your finger through the handle. It is most inelegant."

"Oh..." The short purple hair sighed. "Right, I'm sorry."

"I just cannot decide how I want to do my makeup on tournament day," the other blond person sighed. "I'm thinking maybe that new foundation from Felicity Cosmetics?"

"Mon belle Vil, the Roi du Poison..." Rook smiled. "Surely your beaute is not so faint that you need makeup to shine?"

"Of course I don't," Vil scoffed. "But I don't dare miss and opportunity to accentuate it further!"

"I admire that passion," Rook placed a hand over his heart. "Magnifique! Tres magnifique!"

"And you're sayin' this guy is some kinda incredible athlete?" Grim had his arms crossed, unimpressed. "Somehow, I doubt he's gonna be the target."

"Yeaah, maybe we should peace out and move on," Cater posed. We all left the dorm.


"Next on Cay-Cay's big list of potential targets are Jade Leech and his twin brother Floyd," Cater said. "They're both sophomores at Octavinelle. Word is, they work so well together on the field that other teams don't know how to counter them."

"Whoa," Grim exclaims as we all spot them walking down a path. They both had turquoise hair with a long strip of black in it. The twins also had Heterochromia eyes. Their eyes were gold and olive-brown. "They have, like, the exact same face!"

"Is it just me, or do they make all the other students look tiny in comparison," Ace observed. "They're giants!"

"I could see that being a big advantage for 'em," Grim grins.

"So what do we think," Deuce looks at all of us one at a time. "Could they be in danger?"

"I don't know about that," Riddle crossed his arms. "If I were the culprit, I'd save them for last. Just look at those two. I wouldn't want to get anywhere near them⎼especially Floyd."

"What is UP, Lil' Goldfish," One of the twins called out, he had a mischievous look on his face. The twin was looking at the group.

"He spotted us," Riddle exclaimed and took a few steps back.

"What brings you to our humble abode, huh," the twin walks up to the group. Riddle ducks down into the bushes that were close by. "Playing hide-and-seek? Sounds like fun."

A Fox Surrounded in Darkness (Twisted Wonderland x Encanto f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now