Chapter 34

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Your Pov...

Italics- thoughts

⦓Savanaclaw- Leona's Room⦔

"Something doesn't sit right with me," I thought out loud, sitting on Leona's bed.

"What are you talkin' about," Ruggie questioned, while he was cleaning up Leona's room. Leona was laying down on his bed.

"The contract scrolls," I answered Ruggie. "It doesn't make sense. They all were electrified."

"Excuse me," Leona rolled over and looked at me.

"He rigged the scrolls again," I say. "Otherwise why would they need to be in a vault... Azul also freaked out when Floyd's signature spell made a dent in the vault door."

"That's an intriguing line of thinking," Leona smirked.

"You know something about it," I look at Leona.

"Not really," Leona paused, looking like he remembered something. "You were supposed to tell me something."

"Oh, right," I recalled and smiled. I reached into my shirt and took out the picture.

"Is that what I think it is," Ruggie exclaimed. Leona looked surprised as well.

"I grabbed it on the first night," I giggled. "Right before coming here."

"I guess you were right, Leona," Ruggie chuckled. "We didn't need to worry about her."

"What a sly fox you are," Leona made his way over to me and laid his head on my lap.

"Thanks, Leona," I smiled and my tail slightly wagged in happiness. "I've learned from a trickster. Anyways, I have a request to make..."



I open my eyes to see a lagoon lit up in the moonlight. What a beautiful sight... A rowboat appeared with two people in it.

<Prince Eric> You know, I feel really bad not knowing your name.

<Sebastian> Ariel. Her name is Ariel.

<Prince Eric> Well, that's kinda pretty. Okay, Ariel.

The boat flips over and the people on the boat fall into the water. Two moray eels slightly surfaced the water.

<Ursula> Oh, she's better than I thought. Well, it's time Ursula took matters into her own tentacles!

<King Triton> Ursula, stop! Let her go.

<Ursula> Not a chance, Triton! She's mine now. But, I might be willing to make an exchange...for someone even better. Now, King Triton, do we have a deal?


"'Morning," I yawn as I woke up.

"Go back to sleep," Leona muttered, his face smooshed in this pillow. "It's too early to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed."

"You think my tail is bushy," I question while poking Leona's arm.

"Shut up," Leona smacked me with his pillow. I laughed as I got up for the morning.

A Fox Surrounded in Darkness (Twisted Wonderland x Encanto f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now