Chapter 51

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Your POV...

⦓Pocket Dimension- Strange Stairways⦔

"This has been quite a trek," Rook comments. The group has walked up and down multiple staircases. Rook looks back at Cater and Vil. "Vil? Cater? You two holding up alright?"

"I know my usual retort is, 'Who do you think I am?' but I must admit, I'm not in top form at the moment," Vil frowns.

"I'm kinda beat, TBH," Cater admits. "I'm slowing you down, aren't I?"

"Don't worry about it," Trey says. "No one blames you. The three of you fought pretty hard when you were possessed."

"Sorry, Sebek," Deuce apologizes to Sebek. "I can tell you're antsy. You probably want to get a move on, huh?"

"OF COURSE I DO," Sebek shouts. "I'm not going it alone because we have a higher chance of rescuing Malleus as a group, but if it weren't for that I'd be sprinting... Wait! Our group has four Hallowenders and three possession victims, yes? Rook, Trey, and I can carry those of you who are exhausted!"

"That's pretty funny..." Trey nervously chuckles. "Wait, you're not joking, are you? You're totally serious."

"I wouldn't be caught dead in such an unseemly arrangement," Vil states. "I'd sooner crawl on the floor."

"Friends aiding friends is such a beautiful thing," Rook smiles. "I would be quite willing, but... Perhaps we should check in there first? If you would all look to our right."

"To the right," Sebek repeats, we all look to the right. "A door! Now we can move on.

Let's be off. And if any of you have trouble walking, don't hesitate to inform me!" Sebek goes and opens the door and the group walks through it.


"Were we not just here," Sebek questions.

"Was the door broken or something," I ask.

"That's strange," Trey looks around the area. "All the other doors have taken us to completely different areas."

"TREY," a voice yells. Riddle and some of the other students came running over. "And Cater and Deuce are with you too! I'm so glad you're alright!"

"Riddle, Ace," Trey exclaims in relief. "Boy, am I glad to see you guys. Neither of you look too banged up, either."

"Riddle, Acey," Cater weakly smiles. "Sorry if I worried you guys."

"I'm sorry too," Deuce adds. "If I'd been sharper, I wouldn't have put you through all this trouble."

"You should be," Ace chastises Deuce. "I thought you were snorin' away, then poof! You were just gone. Talk about leavin' yourself wide open."

"I wasn't talking to you," Deuce frown at Ace.

"Yeowch, what's gotten into you," Ace mocks offense. "Oh right, I heard from the headmage that you bawled like a baby when you were possessed. I woulda paid good money to see that!"

"Wha..." Deuce was rendered speechless before he huffed. "Just shut up!"

"WHat's happening..." Sebek questions.

"They are being enemies to lovers," I answer. "It's their trope."

"Their trope," Sebek repeats.

"Yep," I confirm. "When we get back to campus, I can explain it to you somewhat before winter break starts."

"Très bien," Rook cheers. "Our four scattered teams have been reunited once more!"

"Looks like you're largely unscathed, Sebek," Silver says as he walks closer to Sebek and I. "That's a relief."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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