Chapter 29

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3rd Pov...

"So, if we aggregate our intel and Silver's..." Vil says. "Jamil, Trey, and Rook are within the botanical garden, and Lilia's joined them."

"Azul and Sea Urchin were with Seagull before," Floyd adds. "If they aren't in there now... They musta split off somewhere else."

"We know Cater's group was headed for the botanical garden, right," Epel questioned. "Did they get nabbed along with Kalim?"

"I didn't see Cater among the students who got captured," Silver responded.

"My information from Deuce is fairly old by now," Riddle sighed. "If they haven't been captured, then we should assume he's already left."

"Oh, he has," Lilia appeared behind the group of farmers. "He'd already fled by the time I got to the garden."

"Ah, is that right? In that case—" Vil almost didn't recognize Lilia's voice. Vil turned around rapidly. "WAIT, WHAT?!" Everyone turned to look at Lilia in shock and Lilia chuckled.

"Lilia," Silver was the first to speak. "How did you get behind us?!"

"What is the meaning of this," Vil questioned, his shock fading. "I didn't hear a single footstep!"

"Whoa," Floyd exclaimed as he maneuvered around an attack.

"You dodged it," Jamil frowned. "And here I thought I'd done a good job of getting in beneath your notice."

"What's that oversized spork-lookin' thing you got there Sea Snake," Floyd was looking at the monster weapon Jamil was holding.

"A hunting tool made for grabbing absurdly tall guys like you," Jamil smirked.

"Did you think I'd gone so senile that I wouldn't pick up on your presence, Silver," Lilia chuckled.

"You were using me as bait," Silver exclaimed.

"Riddle, behind you," Epel called out.

"Huh? Whoa!" Riddle barely escaped the attack that was launched towards him.

"Didn't quite get the grab," Trey laughed a bit.

"You weaved away from Trey's arms and rode the wind like a cascade of crimson petals," Rook praised Riddle's escape from Trey. "How charming you are, Roi de Roses!"

"Trey! Rook!" Vil looks between the two. "We're surrounded. Floyd and I will secure an escape route. The rest of you, follow our lead and don't fall behind!"

"You're not getting away," Jamil challenged. The monsters attacked and the farmers counterattacked and tried not to get caught.

"The way is clear," Vil said as he knocked Trey down. "Retreat!"

"I'm...out of breath..." Riddle huffed as he began to slow down and got separated from the group.

"One of them has fallen behind," Lilia commanded. "Surround him!" The monsters took the chance to fully surround Riddle and Riddle was trying to look for an opening out.

"Riddle's surrounded," Silver called out and slowed down some. "We have to turn back and save him!"

"We're better off gettin' our distance and regrouping while he keeps the monsters busy," Floyd countered. "Let him go."

"But—" Silver tried to argue.

"I'm afraid it's our only viable option right now," Vil stated. "Onward!"

"Consarn it..." Epel wasn't happy about leaving Riddle behind, and neither was Silver.

"And now we split up as planned," Lilia said. "Rook, Trey, you're in charge of capturing Riddle."

A Fox Surrounded in Darkness (Twisted Wonderland x Encanto f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now