Chapter 28

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Your Pov...

Italics- thoughts

"So, I know our team's objective is to retrieve the coliseum harp..." Jade paused, in thought. "But I really think I should get a bean blaster if we want to solidify our chances of survival."

"Why do I feel like you're tryin' to pull one over on us," Grim frowned. "Well, forget it. I ain't given' you squat!"

"Goodness," Jade crosses his arms. "I wouldn't dream of taking yours."

"The problem is that supply crates are perfect spots for the enemy team to set up ambushes," Cater twirled his hair. "And there's no guarantee we'd even get what we want from one. We need to go in with a plan if we're hitting up a supply point."

"You're quite right, of course," Jade frowns. "I have a suggestion...or rather, a promising lead. There's a certain...smith, we'll say, who I think might be willing to furnish us with a bean blaster."

"'Smith'," Cater questioned. "That a guy's name? Can't say it sounds familiar."

"Don't you worry," Jade smiled. "I have information on his location from a reliable source. I'll lead the way."

"Well, you are Octavinelle's vice housewarden," Cater said. "You guys always know what's up, and that's good enough for me. We are on the same side, after all."

"Thank you for the vote of confidence," Jade was grateful. "In that case, I suggest we take a detour to the botanical garden before heading to our destination. There's something I'd like to pick up there, before we get to the bean blaster."

"Maybe the botanical garden will have some emergency fruit rations, too," Grim cheered. "That's one side trip I'm willin' to take!"

"Will you quit using your stomach to talk just once please," I groan. "Anyways, what's at the botanical garden that's so important?"

"It seems like his stomach is a bottomless pit," Cater exclaimed.

⦓Botanical Garden⦔

"Here we are at the garden," Cater smiled with relief. "Made it in one piece. Is it just me, or does something smell...spicy?"

"Oh, yes," Jade confirms. "Extremely spicy. It's a smell that whets the appetite."

"This seems like bad news," I frown with my ears back. "We shouldn't go in there."

"Huh, why do you say that," Grim asked.

"We are in the middle of a game, and food that smells this good has to be a trap, or will become a trap," I explain.

"Well either way it smells delicious," Grim drools and sniffs the air. "It's comin' from thataway. Let's go see what's cookin'!"

"Grimmy, don't let your stomach do ALL the thinking," Cater sweat-dropped. "Y/n is right, this could be a monster trap!"

"Grim, get back here," I growled. "¡Vuelve aquí o te patearé el culo hasta el próximo siglo!"

⦓Botanical Garden- Temperate Zone⦔

"It's comin' from over here," Grim cheered.

"Oh, hey, guys," Kalim greeted. "Did the smell lure you in?" Cater and Jade were taken aback and had their beans ready.

"Ah, no need to bean me, guys," Kalim smiled. "I'm on the farmer team."

"He's telling the truth," Jade smiled, looking at Kalim's appearance. "That orange armband demonstrates as much."

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