Chapter 47- Spectral Soiree

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◦•●◉✿0 days until Halloween✿◉●•◦

˜"*°•.˜"*°•Halloween Week, Day Seven, Halloween•°*"˜.•°*"˜


"What in the world..." Crowley looks at the scene before him. The Diasomnia students had a flower-like aura around them as they interacted with the guests. Crowley went inside the dorm gate to see if the rest of the area was the same. He was able to see Malleus, the ghosts, and Y/n happily taking pictures with the guests. Crowley goes to meet up with the other staff at the Ramshackle gates.

"We keep searching, but there are no Magicam Monsters to be found," Trein reports.

"The visitors and students all seem to be having a perfectly good time," Crewel adds.

"That's what I call picturesque," Sam smiles.

"And we've checked with the other dorms, too," Vargas states. "They're all just running their stamp tour stations, smoothly as can be."

"Peace has returned to my campus," Crowley joyously cheers. "Professors—head to the dorms and round up the management committee student representatives. It's time for us to talk."

⦓Lecture Hall⦔

"First, allow me to bid you all a joyous holiday," Crowley addresses the room.

"Happy Halloween!" The student committee cheers.

"With that out of the way, today is the last day of Halloween Week—to wit, Halloween," Crowley states. "I told you previously that we would decide whether to hold a holiday get-together after assessing the situation this morning."

"You did indeed, sir," Vil confirms.

"To be entirely honest with you all..." Crowley pauses to gather his thoughts. "When we spoke yesterday, I had just about given up on the idea of holding a party this year. After all, even without one, there was bound to be a deluge of Magicam Monsters on Halloween proper. And that would be an unprecedented disaster for our school! In fact, I was seriously considering cutting the event short today. However... Surely you've had a look around campus this morning and noticed—the Magicam Monsters are nowhere to be found! A miracle this conveniently timed couldn't happen even with magic! What could have possibly brought this turn of events about?"

"It came as a surprise to us as well, sir," Jade agrees.

"Yeah, no kidding," Cater backs up Jade. "I wonder what changed?"

"Are you all certain you know nothing of this," Trein narrows his eyes at the freshman on the committee, hoping that they will reveal something.

"I-I don't know nothin'—ah, I mean, anything," Epel quickly covers up his mistake.

"We spent all yesterday practicing for Halloween—uh, I mean, greeting visitors," Deuce nervously smiles. "If anything happened, we sure didn't see it. Isn't that right, Jack?"

"Absolutely," Jack agrees with Deuce. "It's just as Deuce says, Professor!" The snicker of students could be heard throughout the room.

"I find your claims highly suspect..." Trein raises an eyebrow in suspicion. "But the fact remains that the Magicam Monsters are gone. Hence, we have no reason to call off the party."

"You mean..." Vil gasps.

"Oh, yes," Crowley smiles. "The Halloween party officially ON! Am I not the kindest event organizer in all of Twisted Wonderland?" The student committee cheers, hearing the good news.

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