Chapter 36- Camp Vargas I

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3rd Pov...

⦕The next day...⦖

⦓Lecture Hall⦔

"I'm going to start by taking roll," Crowley states as he looks over the student roster. "Each representative should speak up when I call your club. Is the Equestrian Club here?"

"Naturally," Riddle answered. "All members present and accounted for."

"Next up, the Track Club."

"Here," Jack responds.

"And the Basketball Club?"

"Present," Jamil confirms.

"Which leaves... the Spelldrive Club." There was a moment of silence. "Hello? Spelldrive Club? Are they absent?"

"We're here," Ruggie calls out. "The whole club's here, sir!"

"Very good," Crowley was pleased that everyone was there. "A full house, as it were."

"That was close," Ruggie sighed. "The last thing we need is people accusing us of not having any team spirit or something. You really went and dozed off before the meeting even began, Leona? Talk about audacity. Guess talking to him isn't gonna wake him up..."

"Now on to the topic at hand," Crowley clears his throat. "I suppose I should begin by explaining why I summoned you all here. I realize this is short notice, but next week you'll all be going to a the mountains, let's say. It's called Camp Vargas! As the name implies, it's a three-day training camp overseen by our very own Coach Vargas. All athletic club members are expected to attend. If you would all quiet down? Coach Vargas will elucidate. The floor is yours, Coach."

"Right," Vargas takes Crowley's place behind the podium. "Okay, here's the deal! Night Raven College is an athletic powerhouse, and we've been rocketing up the ranks in our division. Which is to be expected with ME at the helm. But why stop there, when I could give you even more opportunities to grow? That's where Camp Vargas comes in. You'll spend three days in the great outdoors, testing your mettle against several special challenges I've cooked up. They've all been specially designed to test you all to your limits! And that's the point! Anyone who surmounts these challenges will be well on their way to becoming a strapping stud like me. Now, obviously, getting to my level is no mean feat. I figured you all could do with some extra motivation, so the headmage has agreed to provide an incentive."

"Indeed," Crowley confirmed. "I will purchase any one thing for any club that completes all of their challenges."

"Anything," Ruggie's ears perk up in interest. "Did you just say ANYTHING?"

"Ah, no, I didn't mean ANYTHING," Crowley fixes his misworded offer in a hurried fashion. "It was a poor choice of words. Please, banish the thought from your minds! Generosity has its limits, of course. If a club were to ask for a second sports field, for example, that would naturally be out of the question. I ask you to limit your requests to equipment for use in your club activities."

"Aww, boo," Ruggie pouts. "A piece of equipment, huh... Didn't a Spelldrive disc polisher go on the market recently? They're so expensive, only pro teams can afford 'em, and they definitely count as equipment. We can ask for one of those."

"No matter how bad Coach Vargas gets, he can't be more demanding than Vil," Epel comments.

"Oh, and any club that fails to complete all their challenges will be disbanded,"  Vargas adds and the room slightly panics. "Relax! They're all entirely doable... IF you apply yourselves. Just use those muscles you've been building. Don't disappoint me now!"

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