Chapter 43

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⦓Dwarfs' Mine- Campsite⦔

"Okay, the day two challenges are officially over," Vargas tells the campers after gathering them. "Looks like every club made it through without missing any badges. I'm already seeing more definition on those muscles!"

"I don't see no difference," Grim mutters.

"Again, not for you," the fox sighs.

"Tomorrow is the last day of Camp Vargas," Vargas continues. "Which means you'll be facing your final challenge. You'll find out more about it when the time comes. Keep your heads in the game and give it 110 percent! Any questions? If not, you're all dismissed." Vargas leaves with Grim and Y/n.

"Excuse me, Coach Vargas," Azul interrupts Vargas. "I have something to report."

"Ah, Ashengrotto, with the Board Game Club," Vargas looks over at Azul. "What is it?"

"Well, it's just that Idia hasn't returned to camp," Azul states.

"And Ortho is missing as well," Vil adds.

"The Shroud brothers, huh..." Vargas hums.

"We've been searching exhaustively for Idia since yesterday afternoon," Azul explains. "But we have yet to find him... I don't want to believe it, truly I don't, but he may very well have fled from camp... Oh, I... I'm just so ashamed that one of our own would do such a thing! We take our duties very seriously in the Board Game Club. We do NOT condone playing hooky! Isn't that right, everyone?"

"Uh, sure..."

"I could hardly believe it myself," Vil frowns. "Who could imagine that Idia would get Ortho to abandon his post? Our club respects self-reliance and discipline. Skipping out on one's duties is inexcusable, regardless of the reason. We're all taking this matter quite seriously."

"Is that right," Vargas laughs. "You both have the right attitude. Your intensity goes to show that Camp Vargas is already paying off! When they get back, make your feelings crystal clear! That's the ticket!"

"Yes, sir," Azul hesitantly agrees.

"Is it me, or was his reaction rather mild," Vil comments. "I thought he'd be furious that people were ditching his camp."

"Hey, uh, Coach Vargas," Cater speaks up from the crowd. "We've got something to tell you too..."

"Lilia hasn't come back yet either," Kalim states. "We know he went to do the giant catfish challenge... But when we went to look for him at the lake, all we found was the catfish he'd caught."

"Lilia's missing too," Trey questions. "We haven't seen Malleus since this morning..."

"OKAY, BOYS, SETTLE DOWN," Vargas shouts. "Don't worry, I've already planned for this eventuality. I'll look for the missing students myself. You should be more concerned with your next challenge! Make sure to rest up those muscles—you need to be ready for anything. Dismissed!"

"I didn't realize Ortho was missing too," Trey shakes his head. "But hey, didn't Idia go missing yesterday? Why did you wait to report it?"

"I didn't want the entire club to get punished for Idia's laziness," Azul says. "I initially hoped we could find him on our own. But I'm much less concerned about that after seeing how Coach Vargas reacted. It's his problem now."

"I mean, surely you're a little worried, right," Trey nervously chuckles. "Ortho's missing too."

"Do those brothers even merit our concern," Vil asks. "They're probably off somewhere gaming right now. Dwelling on it will get us nowhere. All I care about is getting through this camp and staying in my club."

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