Chapter - 1

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If Soobin's being honest here, his body hurts. He plopped himself down onto the floor in Bighit's practice room after pushing himself far past his limits. Soobin had just danced with no breaks for several hours trying to prepare himself for his group's new comeback. He had gone through years of practice and brutal honesty from critics so he knew what he had to focus on more in terms of skills. He was never the best dancer in the group so he knew he had to push himself and practice more than his other members when it came to dancing.

Sure, his group was vocal-based but that didn't mean that they don't know how to dance.

Soobin stared at himself in the mirror and smiled. His now blonde hair was sticking to his forehead while his body was drenched in sweat. He was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt with black sweatpants. His white shirt is made see-through because of his sweat. He could almost say he found himself hot at that moment.

Soobin sat in front of the mirror for a couple more minutes until he dragged his sore body off of the floor and towards his phone that was on top of his practice bag. His eyes stung with tears from the pain of forcing his body to stop resting. He was about to run through the choreography again before he caught a glimpse of the many messages he had missed from his members and manager.

However, Soobin didn't answer and ignored the messages, going back to his starting position for the choreography. One more time. Just one more time.


"Did you get ahold of him yet?" A worried Hyuka asked his oldest Hyung as he walked into the living room of their shared dorm.

"Nope," Yeonjun said rolling his eyes. He was extremely annoyed that Soobin was so determined to go dance at 11 pm for whatever reason. "He's fine Kai. You know Soobin wouldn't do anything stupid while he's gone. Besides he can't do anything stupid because he's practicing. That's all he's doing Hyuka." Yeonjun said walking to his room, however, he felt bad because lying to Kai isn't something he liked to do. Truth be told- he didn't know what kind of stupid things Soobin could do while practicing. He could do a lot while being gone. He noticed how he didn't get a response from Kai as he walked into his room.


Yeonjun checked the time on his phone. 3:37 am. Yeonjun threw his phone onto the bed beside him and held his face in his hands. I hate being the oldest. Yeonjun thought to himself. You're so fucking lucky you're my group member Choi Soobin.

Yeonjun dragged himself out of his bed and quietly slipped his shoes on and walked out of the dorm to look for Soobin when he received a call from their manager.


"YEONJUN FINALLY! Have you found Soobin yet?" Yeonjun was interrupted by his managers agitating voice.

Yeonjun hissed at the sudden yelling and quickly replied saying, "No but I have a hunch of where he is. I'll text you if I find him. Bye." Then Yeonjun quickly hung up, rolling his eyes. He hated their manager. Not because he was some villain who forced the members to do things they'd be scarred by or anything but because he's happy all of the time. Too happy for Yeonjun's liking. This guy needs to get a grip


Yeonjun arrived at the bighit building and was instantly greeted by the workers who bowed so many times you'd think Yeonjun was a god of some sort. Yeonjun loved the praise and couldn't help but smirk and wink at a couple of the female staff.

Yeonjun walked to his group's practice room and slowly opened the door to see Soobin wearily dragging himself around the room in a tired attempt to at least finish the choreography. It was a sad sight, to say the least.

Yeonjun let his eyes wander and stare at Soobin's tall and skinny figure. He let himself look at the way Soobin lazily moved his hips to the music. He let himself stare at Soobin's drenched, pale skin. He let himself look at Soobins back he could see through Soobin's now transparent shirt. Yeonjun wondered what it would feel like to feel the soft skin Soobin barely ever puts on display. He wondered what Soobin would look like under-The Fuck? Stop being perverted Yeonjun get a grip on yourself.

Yeonjun looked down to see himself tight in his pants. He was horrified. He took deep breaths to calm himself down while trying to convince himself he was hard because of the girl staff from downstairs. After Yeonjun calmed himself down he took out his phone texting the other members and his manager telling them he found their leader.

He walked into the practice room and let the door slam behind him crossing his arms. Soobin jumped at the loud interruption and turned around only to see Yeonjun staring at him with a glare.

"Soobin. What the fuck? The others were worried about you. Probably still would be if I hadn't texted them saying you were okay." Yeonjun said, voice stern. Soobin looked at him, eyelids starting to droop as his body finally calmed down from the excessive amount of pressure he put on his body the past couple of hours. Yeonjun rolled his eyes at his band member. "We can talk about this later. Let's just go." Yeonjun said as he walked over and picked up Soobin's things before handing them to Soobin.

Soobin put on his backpack and allowed Yeonjun to slip his arm around Soobin's waist to support Soobin to the car Yeonjun arrived in. Soobin was grateful his hyung came to help him but he was hoping with his everything that Yeonjun didn't notice the light blush that spread across the youngest face.


Andddd that was the first chapter!
I planned on editing this book a lot more so the chapters would be longer But Someone convinced me to just republish so here

Thanks for reading chapter 1

One dream~Kai 🫶🏼


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