Chapter - 11

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Yeonjun had never wanted to help Soobin practice their group dance. He hated being around Soobin so much that he was usually happy to stay out of his way. But this time, he was forced to help. Their dance instructor had told him that it was his responsibility as a member of the group to help Soobin out.

Yeonjun begrudgingly showed up at the studio, determined to get this task over with as quickly as possible.

Soobin stood with his back facing the mirror and Yeonjun went over to turn the music on. The music being their title song: Sugar Rush Ride. Soobin did well up until the chorus. He couldn't quite get the choreo down. Yeonjun stopped the music and stood behind him, adjusting Soobin. He pressed his chest to Soobin's back and grabbed his right hand, guiding it down his chest.

"And then you're supposed to do a body roll while you drag your hand down your chest. Then you bring your body down like this and then bring your other hand to your chin." Yeonjun said softly, realizing how close they were. He let go of Soobin and showed Soobin how the move is supposed to look. "Like this. It's not that hard." He said the last part harsher than it needed to be. Soobin nodded.

Soobin soon got the chorus down but as soon as he and Soobin practiced the dance together , a strange tension filled the room. Yeonjun could feel it too - a kind of tension that was both exciting and uncomfortable at the same time. It was an unexpected mix of emotions, and he was sure Soobin felt it too.

Yeonjun tried to ignore the tension, but it only seemed to grow stronger as they continued to practice. He could feel himself getting more and more drawn to Soobin, and he was surprised by the intensity of his feelings.

He was so lost in thought that he had forgotten to change formation and Soobin ended colliding into the black-haired male. The two fell to the floor, Yeonjun falling onto his back and Soobin directly on top of him.

Soobin held onto Yeonjun's shoulders with wide eyes. Yeonjun held onto Soobin's waist tightly. The close proximity of their faces made Yeonjun think about the night in the club, where he was too drunk to stop himself from shoving soobin into a club bathroom and kissing him with no purpose. He saw Soobin lean in closer, their noses touching and Yeonjun didn't lean away, he just watched as he gripped Soobin's waist tighter.

But then he remembered why he hated Soobin in the first place. He remembered all of his reasons for hating the young leader, and that was enough to make him recoil. He was disgusted with himself for even considering the possibility of something more than just a dance practice.

He pushed Soobin off of him roughly, making his was over to gather his dance bag and water bottle. He left quickly, slamming the door behind him.


Taehyun sat on the dorm couch scrolling though Instagram on his secret account, all the members had secret accounts on almost all social media actually. Taehyun didn't look up when he felt the couch dip, he already knew it was Beomgyu.

Taehyun saw in the corner of his eye that Beomgyu was fidgeting with his shirt, something that was a normal occurrence. He heard Beomgyu sigh before look at Taehyun and say, "Talk to me?"

Taehyun closed his eyes and turned off his phone, turning his body towards Beomgyu. "I feel bad," He made eye contact with the older. "For trying to hurt Yeonjun."

Beomgyu took a breath "He may be a little scared because you tried to punch him but-" He grabbed Taehyun's sleeve and started fidgeting with it. "He's not mad at you."

Taehyun put his hand over Beomgyu's hand that was on his shirt sleeve. "Gyu." Beomgyu looked up at the pink-haired male. "I still think he deserved that punch."

Beomgyu let go of Taehyun's sleeve, rolling his eyes at the males remark. "He doesn't deserve a punch Taehyun. Maybe he just needs to be talked to."

Taehyun sat up a little straighter. "Talked to? Do you remember what happened last time any of us tried to talk to him about his behavior towards Soobin?"

Beomgyu stood up and scoffed, but never answered the shorter. He walked over towards his shared room, Taehyun following suite.

"He yelled at all of us and went on a five day trip to Busan. He acts like a little kid that hates getting scolded by his mom. He never learns!"

"Well maybe he'd learn if we talked in a nicer tone."

"A nicer tone? Gyu he's not five. He's twenty-three for fucks sakes."

"Don't swear at me."

"But you do realize how stupid you sound, right? The only way he's going to learn is if we give it to him the hard way. And I'll make sure he starts acting nice again."

"You're not going to hurt him."

"Not physically of course."

"Taehyun you're not going to fucking hurt Yeonjun. Just talk to him."

They turned their heads once they saw a figure appear in the doorway. Yeonjun.

"Yeonjun-" Beomgyu started. Yeonjun shut him up by smiling, something the members rarely see him do. He turned to Taehyun.

"Yeah Tae. Let's talk."


Chapter 11 is done!

I don't really love this chapter but next chapter is gonna be a little different (?)

Hope you're ready to know Yeonjun's side of things soon!!

One dream! ~ Kai 🫶🏼


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