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This is Hybe Entertainment.

First of all, we sincerely thank MOAs for your love and support to TOMORROW BY TOGETHER.

After a long. in-depth discussion and consideration, our company and TXT members
"CHOI YEONJUN, CHOI BEOMGYU, KANG TAEHYUN, and HUENING KAI." reached a mutual agreement to terminate our exclusive contract early as of January 5, 2025.

We would like to express our apology and gratitude to everyone who has shown nothing but love and care for TXT. We ask for your continuing support and interest for each members new journey. We will also sincerely support their bright future.

Thank you once again MOA for giving endless support and care for TOMORROW BY TOGETHER.

Thank you.


Huening Kai

"I want you to know that even though we don't talk any more I still think about you and the way things ended, and some nights I still cry about it."

After the groups disbandment Huening Kai went on to be in a band. He played the drums and was quite content in his new career path. He was also a producer for the other groups under the new label he was under.

He made the decision to grow up on his own and threw out all of his plushies. He decided to bleach his hair blonde again and got a neck tattoo. He stopped wearing bright colors and wore colors like red and black. He stopped doing aeygo as well. He wasn't the youngest in his band so he didn't feel like he had to try to be the cute one anymore.

He spent his free time writing songs. His thoughts were always on paper. He once wrote a song for Soobin. He missed him but he knew that what happened was for the better. He did his best to move on afterwards.

Sometimes his past with his first group haunted him. Made him sad to think about how things ended. Made him sad to think about how close they all used to be. Made him sad to the point where he cried and couldn't breathe.

But he could just write a song about it.


Kang Taehyun

"Wanting to feel wanted is the loneliest feeling ever."

After the groups disbandment Kang Taehyun started studying to be a lawyer. He agrees that 25 is a late age to start law school but he's not a quitter. He got accepted into one of the biggest law firms after he graduated four years later and now he's one of the most successful and respected lawyers in South Korea.

He doesn't talk to anyone from TXT anymore. He cut them all off. He figured that if he wanted to move on from his past then he would have to start with removing the things that were connecting him to his past. He doesn't mind being alone in the end anyways.

Taehyun's learned to be less nosy. He doesn't need or want to be in everyone's business anymore. He feels like if Soobin were to see him now, he'd be impressed. Or at least Taehyun hopes he would be.

Sometimes Taehyun feels lonely. He knows that it was his own doing by removing everyone out of his life but sometimes he wished people would care enough to fight for him. He wants to feel wanted enough. However, he's content. He knows he's strong enough to live for himself.

He just feels like no matter how lonely he gets, no one's ever going to realize. No one's ever going to want him the same way he wants others. He just wants to be held. He just wants to be wanted again instead of being all alone. But he knows that's too much to ask for.

Isn't it?


Choi Beomgyu

"And I'm afraid I'll miss you forever."

After the groups disbandment Beomgyu went to be in the same band as Huening Kai. He played the guitar for the group. He liked his new label. They allowed him and his band a lot more freedom.

Him and Kai weren't the closest members. They were pretty distant actually. However they still cared deeply for one another. They were the only two members of TXT who still talked to one another.

Sometimes Huening Kai and Beomgyu would spend late nights in the studio together, writing songs that their emotions were poured into. Their albums always had hidden meanings and thoughts behind every lyric.

Back when Beomgyu had signed the papers, the papers that were needed so Soobin could leave the group, he said he wanted to move on as soon as possible. However, he hasn't gotten anywhere with that statement.

For years he's missed the older man, hoping his old friend will come back into his life and they'll make up. Maybe they'll stay in contact and get coffee like they used to in the mornings. But he knows it won't happen. He doesn't even know where the older one is now. It's as though he disappeared from the earth.

He's okay with his new life though, just afraid he's going to miss someone who left him alone, forever.

He doesn't want to miss him anymore.


Choi Yeonjun

"you can only move on if you accept that it's gone."

After the groups disbandment Yeonjun found himself in a deep depression. He wouldn't eat, couldn't sleep, couldn't breathe. He felt like he was drowning on dry land. He was stuck.

He missed everyone. He missed Soobin. He regrets hurting him so much. However, he knows nothing he will ever do will make up for his mistakes.

He became an author. He writes books about self improvement and things that make us human. He gets to work from home with this job which he's grateful for. He writes poetry sometimes. Painting is becoming one of his favorite past times as well.

On Saturday's, he tunes in to watch a Weverse live that Huening Kai and Beomgyu's new group does. He misses them but he gets so happy seeing them together in a new group they obviously seem to like being in. He wonders what and how Taehyun's doing. He moved out to Jeonju, far from Seoul to really just get away so he doubts he'll ever know how any of his old members are truly doing.

He's been trying to move on. It's been years since the disbandment and he's been getting better. He's started to accept that his old life and his old self is gone- that there's no getting it back.

He started going to therapy around three years ago, a year after disbandment, and he's slowly learning and recovering from everything. He's healing from his trauma he had with his manager, he's healing from his own self hatred. He's healing. He just wishes he could've talk to Soobin one last time before he disappeared.

No one knows what happened to their old leader of TXT and everyday it kills Yeonjun a little more inside.

But he can only move on if he accepts that Soobin's gone.


One dream! ~ Kai 🫶🏼


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