Chapter 19 (M)

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Soobin slowly opened his eyes, squinting as the light flooded in through his windows. It had been a month. A month since he had left the dorm and a month into his Hiatus. He just wasn't ready to go back.

He regrets saying those terrible words to his members but he knew he felt honest about what he had said. He did hate his members right now. He felt betrayed and lied to. He had every right to feel that way.

Especially because his mind was filled with thoughts of Yeonjun. Even when he was upset he could only think of Yeonjun. He cursed himself for his feelings not dimming even a little bit. Even after all that's happened. He just wished things had gone differently that night. Maybe then, if he hadn't initiated things. Then their boss and manager would've never seen them. Then Yeonjun wouldn't have gotten threatened by their manager. Maybe then everything could be okay. Maybe then they both could've healed from their unresolved feelings. Maybe then they could've salvaged their friendship before it even started breaking apart. Maybe.


"Our manager," Yeonjun couldn't keep his tears in anymore. "He knew t-that I liked you. Before debut. He could tell."

Soobin furrowed his eyebrows at the older.

Yeonjun liked me?

"But he didn't like that. Told me if I didn't get rid of my feelings he was going to get rid of me.
I-I was scared. I was really fucking scared. All I wanted was to be an idol. So bad. So I forced myself to distance myself, but you- fuck. You didn't get the memo. So our manager he made sure to give me somewhat of a 'final warning'" Yeonjun explained with finger quotes.


Soobin remembered that day clear as day. A secret he kept pushing back. The day he started fighting against his feelings harder than he had ever done. That day was the day that Yeonjun had gotten his 'final warning'. It had been the day their boss and manager found them in the dorms alone. Soobin felt tears track down his cheeks as he remembered that day. He regrets it. Regrets initiating anything.

Three years prior

Soobin and Yeonjun had the dorm all to themselves. Soobin was drunk. He had no work the next day so he wanted to use it to his advantage. Soobin was sitting on the couch watching some anime that Kai had recommended to him before he watched as Yeonjun came out from his bedroom, black sweatpants and a tight black tank top on. He knows it's a simple outfit but something about the outfit made his dick twitch with interest.

Lately he's been getting mixed signals from Yeonjun. He had lost all contact with the old trainees he used to flirt and sleep with a few months ago. It made Yeonjun turn his attention and flirting techniques towards his members. Mostly towards Soobin. It made Soobin feel hot and bothered at the way the older grabbed his butt when they were hugging or slapped it while he walked by. He was gay - he can't help it!

Yeonjun looked back from where he was standing at the edge of the couch, kind of interested in the anime on the tv for once. He watched as Soobin paused the show, and lean towards him, still sitting on the couch. He felt Soobin grab his wrist and pulled him down, dragging him onto the couch next to him.

Soobin pushed the boy against the coach arm and straddled him, bodies pressing close together. The older held in a breath, looking up at Soobin. "Woah- um," he tried to speak but his words got caught . His heartbeat raced as his hands grabbed harshly onto the younger boy's waist.

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