Chapter - 7

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Yeonjun hasn't left his bedroom in about 2 days. No member has seen him eat or drink anything. Everyone was worried and no one knew how to help.

No one knew what was going on except for Soobin. The other members were completely clueless as to why their oldest hyung was acting this way.

"Should I tell the staff he's not sick anymore so they can at least force him out of his room?" Huening Kai asked Taehyun, both stretching beside each other in the practice room.

Taehyun perked up at Kai's suggestion. "No, but we can do something similar," Taehyun responded to the now-confused Maknae.

"What are two talking about?" Soobin asked, sitting down beside them to also stretch before their dance practice.

"We're gonna lie to Yeonjun so he leaves his room," Taehyun said with a poker face, still stretching.

"Okay- just don't make your lie too bad otherwise Yeonjun could get mad..." Soobin said quietly.

"Whatever Hyung."


Taehyun and Kai walked toward their oldest Hyung's room and opened it. They both walked in and saw Yeonjun under the covers of his bed, not making one sound.

"Is he smells like he's dead," Kai whispered to Taehyun, covering his nose.

Taehyun rolled his eyes and walked over to the bed and yanked the covers off of Yeonjun. His heart broke a little inside seeing the state he was in.

Yeonjun lay there, asleep, with tear-stained cheeks and he looked pale and skinny. Two days can do a lot to someone.

Kai went to go get water for the older one and then gently shook Yeonjun awake. "'re sick break is over, manager-nim said you'd be put into strict training if you don't get back onto the schedule," Taehyun said quietly, trying not to piss off the other male.

Yeonjun stared at him for a moment, letting his eyes adjust to the light that was spilling in from the windows of his room. Kai walked back into the room and handed Yeonjun a glass of water, timidly smiling at him. Yeonjun greedily took it and chugged the entire glass before getting up and leaving for the bathroom.

"I'll be at the practice room in 30 minutes," Yeonjun said, his voice sounding raspy and weak.

"That was a lot easier than I thought," Kai said, smiling.

"Yep. He'll kill us if he finds out he was allowed to have three more off days." Taehyun said, praying Yeonjun wouldn't find out and kill the two youngest.


Super short chapter I know, this was a filler chapter and I'm sorry- i wanted to update but lately I don't have enough time to write or update full chapters
However, i have two more weeks of school and then I'll be on summer break! Then that's when I'll most likely get back onto weekly updates!



I Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

One Dream~Kai 🫶🏼


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