Chapter - 2

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Yeonjun. Yeonjun, Yeonjun, Yeonjun.

That's all the tall blonde could think about these days. Just Yeonjun. And only Yeonjun.

Now let's get this straight. Soobin's not stupid. He knows what he feels for the older. He knows he likes the shorter raven-haired male. And he doesn't mind.

He's known for a while that he's only interested in males. He's known since he was 14 to be exact. So it wasn't that big of a surprise to him when he caught himself catching feelings for his hyung. It was more so disappointing.

Soobin has always thought Yeonjun was attractive and funny and that any girl would be lucky to have him. However, he didn't just start crushing on him as soon as he met him like all the other trainees at Bighit. Practically everyone drooled over Yeonjun and always gossiped about how his looks and his attitude and skills were beyond attractive and if they were given the chance, they'd gladly drop their panties for him.

It was very surprising to the younger how many people's pants Yeonjun got into in his trainee years. Always coming to practice with hickeys traveling from his jawline down his neck until they were covered by his shirt. Many girls walk in with matching hickeys. Soobin found it disturbing that Yeonjun could sleep and flirt with as many girls as he did. However, he never committed to anything or anyone. Which is what he was supposed to do. Dating is a big no within K-pop. This is pretty self explanatory considering all the insane fans that would go crazy to know a favorite idol of theirs wasn't "theirs". Soobin remembered how a friend of his even got kicked out of the company trainee program for being seen with a girl. Scary.

So ever since he found out about the strict dating policy he had sworn to never even look at another man until he had debuted, lived out his dream, and then disbanded.

He was doing pretty good at keeping his promise. Until he debuted with Yeonjun.

Soobin caught feelings for Yeonjun in 2020 during their "Eternity" era. Soobin couldn't deny that Yeonjun's "mustard hair" faze had gotten him hooked.

During the Eternally era, Yeonjun lost contact with the trainees so he got bored after a while of not flirting or getting someone laid so his coping mechanism was to flirt with his members. Which started with light flirting and jokes here and there. But Soobin, being the gay man that he is, lets Yeonjun have too much freedom with his flirting. Unlike the other members who had boundaries on AND off camera. Soobin only had boundaries in front of the camera. Which led to Yeonjun getting both of them in trouble in front of their boss.


"SOOBIN," Taehyun yelled at his group leader who had been sitting on the floor of their practice room for the past 20 minutes staring at, of course, Yeonjun. Fucking shit. Soobin thought as he realized that Yeonjun knew he was staring at him.

"Soobin get up we have to get this right. And all together." Beomgyu said, annoyance clear in his tone.

Soobin quickly got up and joined the others for their last run-through before they could all leave and rest for the rest of the day.

"Focus Soobin. This is kinda fucking serious to us." Yeonjun snarled.

Oh- did Soobin mention Yeonjun had never been the same with him ever since they had gotten in trouble with their boss? Yeonjun had gotten pulled into their boss's office after and when he came back out he wouldn't even look at Soobin. The only time Yeonjun would be somewhat "normal" around Soobin was when they were alone. Which was good in some cases. In others, not so much.


Second chapter done!

Thank you for reading chapter 2

One dream ~ Kai 🫶🏼


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