Chapter - 12

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That's the only word that came to Taehyun's mind as he sat on his bed with Yeonjun sitting across from him on Kai's.

Yeonjun had told him that he should say whatever he was talking to Beomgyu about with him, but how does he even begin to tell off Yeonjun when so much is running through his head?

Should I start by yelling? Or should I start calmly?

Should I just tell him straight up? Or do I sugar coat it?

I don't even know anymore.

"Well?" Yeonjun asked. Staring intensely at Taehyun.

"Well what?" Taehyun responded, looking up and meeting Yeonjun's gaze.

"Aren't you going to talk to me? I don't know if you know but we've been sitting here for 8 minutes in complete silence." Yeonjun said, Taehyun was surprised that Yeonjun supposedly cared enough about what he was going to say to stay seated for 8 minutes in awkward silence.

"Well I want you to tell me why you treat Soobin like shit." The pink-haired boy said, sitting straighter.

Yeonjun looked out towards the window, breaking the pairs eye contact before muttering a simple, "I hate him."

Taehyun let's out an airy laugh and Yeonjun looks at him oddly. "You can't even say that and look me in the eyes. You're clearly lying."

Now it was Yeonjun's turn to laugh. "Why would I lie about hating someone? Seems stupid to lie about something like that."

"Yeonjun." Taehyun stood up and walked over towards his bedroom door. He locked it before walked back over and sitting on his bed again.

"Neither of us are leaving until you tell me what's going on."


"They've been in my room for three hours already can't they just go for a walk or something?" Kai said, throwing himself onto the couch. "I need to get a change of clothes~"

Soobin and Beomgyu watched as the youngest sat up and started whining about his plushies safety.

Soobin looked over towards the bedroom Taehyun and Yeonjun were in with a worried look, which Beomgyu noticed. Beomgyu sighed before coming up with an idea to distract the two men. "I'm curious. You two have been raving about that one anime jujitsu...something? So show me?"

The distraction worked. They trio had been sitting on the couch watching Jujitsu Kaisen for about an hour before Yeonjun abruptly opened the door of the bedroom. The three sitting men quickly looked over towards the oldest in curiosity. Yeonjun's eyes were puffy and he looked at the younger three tiredly before walked away towards his own bedroom.

Taehyun walked out a few seconds later. His eyes were puffy just like Yeonjun's and his nose was red. He honestly looked like whatever Yeonjun had told him in that room had scared him; or at least concerned him. Taehyun smiled weakly before heading out of the dorm, not forgetting to put on his shoes.


Two hours.

Two hours and Taehyun still hasn't come back to the dorm. Beomgyu had gone to check on Yeonjun and Kai had left to go shower and change clothes.

Soobin sat on his bed looking out of his bedroom window at the city of Seoul. When he first moved to Seoul from Ansan he felt a surge of energy. He felt excitement running through his veins just by looking at the bright lights and tall buildings of the city but now, now he felt nothing. He couldn't find it in him to be happy about such things anymore.

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