Chapter - 10

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Taehyun had been close friends with Soobin since their pre-debut years and had always been there for him. He was the first person to stand up to Yeonjun when he started bullying Soobin. It had been going on for years and Taehyun was growing increasingly frustrated and angry.

He was especially mad at Yeonjun because he and Soobin had once been best friends. He had seen the two of them together, joking around and laughing, before Yeonjun had turned on Soobin and started to bully him. It seemed like he was doing it for no reason other than to cause pain and it had been going on for far too long.

Taehyun has tried to talk to Yeonjun about it in the past, but he refused to listen. He was too consumed in his own feelings and thoughts to really care about the consequences of his actions. Taehyun was at his wits end. He couldn't understand why Yeonjun was being so cruel and why he refused to stop.

Taehyun finally decided to take matters into his own hands. Taehyun stormed into the dance room and frantically looked around before his eyes stopped on Yeonjun. Yeonjun looked confused when Taehyun's eyebrows furrowed at him in anger.

Taehyun ran towards his oldest hyung before grabbing him by his collar and forcing him off the ground and slamming his back into the wall.

"Hyung!" Kai yelled, backing up.

"Shit" Taehyun heard Beomgyu whisper behind him. Taehyun felt Beomgyu's hands grab his waist before yanking him harshly away from Yeonjun.

Taehyun fell onto the ground from the pull and he looked up at Beomgyu. Beomgyu looked surprised at his own force and immediately started apologizing to Taehyun for pulling him away that hard, but before he could finish apologizing Taehyun stood up and pushed Beomgyu.

"What the fuck- this has nothing to do with you Beomgyu!" Taehyun yelled at the older.

Beomgyu pushed him back, anger finally started to invade his senses. "What was I supposed to do fuckface? Just let you beat his face in? Fuck no."

"He can protect himself!"

"Why are you even trying to hurt him? He's done nothing to you!"

"But he's done everything to Soobin!"

Silence filled the room as Beomgyu knew Taehyun was right. Even if Beomgyu and Yeonjun were best friends, Beomgyu couldn't deny that the older was treating Soobin terribly.

When Taehyun knew he wasn't going to get a reply back from the brunette he sighed and looked at the ground, feeling tears swell in his eyes. "I can't keep acting like I don't see something is wrong with this situation."

With that, Taehyun glanced at Yeonjun and ran out of the dance room, leaving the other three silent.


The rest of the day was filled with awkward silence and Taehyun and Soobin locked up in Soobin's bedroom together.

It was a free day the rest of the afternoon but for once the members wished it wasn't. At least when things were awkward their schedules would distract them. But now that their schedules were done for the day, their minds felt full.

Yeonjun had been avoiding his members, especially Taehyun, ever since this morning. He went on a few drives with the staff and went to the gym to avoid being at the dorm and when it was finally late enough for him to sleep, he immediately locked himself in his bedroom.

Beomgyu had been hanging out with Kai, trying to get the maknae's mind off of the argument that had occurred earlier that day. He was playing video games with the youngest and his distraction plan had seemed to be working on the taller. However, Beomgyu's heart felt heavy. He didn't like this gross feeling of avoidance and hatred he felt from Taehyun. But he wasn't going to try to solve anything anytime soon.

That night Taehyun never left Soobin and Beomgyu's shared dorm room so Beomgyu stayed the night in Taehyun and Kai's bedroom. He felt odd sleeping in Taehyun's bed because they were fighting but he couldn't fight off the comfort that Taehyun's scent brought him and he quickly fell asleep.


"Yeonjun is going to give you extra dance lessons."

Soobin's jaw dropped as he stared at his dance instructor. Private lessons with Yeonjun? He's fucked. He might as well be doing private dance lessons with a lion, not much of a difference, he'd die either way.

"What? But ma'am with all due respect-" Yeonjun tried to protest before he got cut off by the dance instructor.

"Yeonjun, you're our best dancer and I have more than one group to help so you need to help Soobin. It's not that hard and I know you can do it. Just help him get to moves down alright? Thank you." The dance instructor smiled before exiting the dance room, leaving the two males.

"Get in position."


Chapter 10 is doneee!

"Do It Like That" just came out today and it's soooo good! They definitely knew what they were doing when they made that song

I've been contemplating if I should add Taegyu or Tyunning into this book and I'm still thinking about which ship I want to add- or if I should just not add another ship?

One dream! ~ Kai 🫶🏼


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