Chapter - 9

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"Hyung? Can I come in?" Taehyun said as he knocked on Soobin's room door.

He heard a small "yes" from Soobin so he opened the door and entered the room. He saw Soobin laying on his bed, cuddling a bunny plushie that he steals from Kai sometimes.

"Hey'd talking with Yeonjun go?" Taehyun asked as he sat down next to Soobin.

Soobin sat up and looked at Taehyun before rolling his eyes. "Oh, it was just great! We talked about life and what we were going to eat for dinner~ it was an awesome talk!" Soobin said sarcastically. He then scoffed and laid back down.

"Hyung..." Taehyun sighed. "you know that he wouldn't have liked you talking to him so I don't know why you-"

"Why does he hate me so much?" Soobin whispered, cutting Taehyun off.

"W-what hyung?" Taehyun asked, caught somewhat off guard from the sudden question.

"I mean..we used to be close. At least I think. We used to go to the convenience store together after training and we'd always get ramyeon and bread and we'd stay there until both of us finished eating and we'd talk about everything together. During practice, we'd always go over the dance until it was perfect with each other. I remember how he'd walk me to the train station at night because he knew I didn't like walking alone at night. He was so nice. That's why I fell for him." Taehyun already knew Soobin liked the older so Soobin had no trouble expressing his liking to Yeonjun. Soobin's voice started to crack and his eyes started to tear up. "It's like he's an entirely different person. One that hates every part of me. One that just woke up and decided to make my life a living hell. It hurts Tae. I don't know why he has to hurt me." He looked up at Taehyun who had also started to tear up. "Am I that unlovable? A-am I really that terrible T-Tae?"

Taehyun's voice got caught in his throat as he stared at his leader. The leader he thought to be strong and mentally okay. He thought the Yeonjun situation hadn't hurt Soobin in the slightest, yet he was wrong.

"Because if I am that unlovable then are the fans just loving a fake version of me? Do you think they'd still like me off-camera? Because idol me and real me are completely different people. Maybe it makes sense why Yeonjun only likes me in front of the camera. Maybe idol me is the only version of me that's worth loving." Soobin said, tears still streaming down his face.

Taehyun just stared at Soobin's breakdown. He was so bad at comforting people. Even if he wanted badly to comfort Soobin, he didn't know how. So he sat and watched his hyung break down for the first time in years.

"Tae...I don't know if I can do this much longer." Soobin whispered after a while, his crying toning down a little bit.

"W-what do you mean?" Taehyun asked, finally finding his voice.

"Being an idol. Being around Yeonjun. Being in front of a camera. I don't know if I want to-no- if I can keep doing this." Soobin uttered, avoiding eye contact with Taehyun.

The room was filled with pin-drop silence as Taehyun processed what Soobin's words meant.

Taehyun looked at Soobin with concern.

Soobin can't leave. He's our leader. He's the only one keeping us together all because our oldest hyung can't. If he leaves then Tomorrow by Together won't survive. We'd crumble so quickly. No no no no no. I can't do it without him here. I can't.

He looked at Soobin who had finally calmed down from his crying and had noticed how his eyes had started to droop, clearly tired. Taehyun decided to calm down first and then talk to Soobin about the situation rationally.

" seemed to have a long day so you should rest. I'll talk to the dance Instructor and tell her that you're not feeling well. We will talk about this tomorrow." Taehyun said quickly. He walked out of Soobin's room but before he closed the door he heard Soobin mutter, "I love you Tae."

"I love you too hyung."

Taehyun closed the door before taking a deep breath. "I'm going to fucking kill Yeonjun."


Chapter 9 is doneee!

Idk how I feel about this chapter- I have a hate/love relationship with making my characters upset.

One dream! ~ Kai 🫶🏼


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