Chapter 17

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The three younger members were sat on Beomgyu's bed in his new room. They were bracing themselves for what was to happen. It had been silent for a good while, no sounds from the two oldest members, which scared them more.

Beomgyu had been filled in on their plane and wasn't that happy with it but still agreed to let it happen. He couldn't really win a two against one fight anyways. Taehyun was quite upset that his own idea had made Beomgyu upset but he pushed that guilt down. He needed to focus on one problem at a time. He and Beomgyu still weren't on good terms since Beomgyu pushed him away in the practice room so he wasn't going to fix anything yet.

After about an hour of them waiting around in Beomgyu's room they heard a yell. Everyone's head snapped towards the door in shock at the silence being broken.

"Yeonjun hyung what more is there to say?! You hurt me constantly because you were scared of our manager! You could've dropped the act when the five of us were alone! But you didn't. You kept hurting me. You destroyed the friendship we had before debut and we'll never get that back! I hate you hyung-I hate you!"

It became completely silent as the younger three sat frozen, trying to process what they had just heard coming from the other room. Taehyun and Kai glanced at each other. Kai was crying.

Kai was crying?

"Woah Kai. Calm down buddy. This was bound to happen okay? They'll talk it out more." Taehyun rushed out the words before Yeonjun came crashed into the room. The three turned their attention towards him before realizing he was crying.

"S-Soobin's packing. He's leaving. S-stop him! Please stop h-him!" The oldest sobbed as he held onto the door in an attempt to keep himself from doubling over on the floor.

"What?" Kai gasped out in confusion before Taehyun and Kai ran out to go see Soobin packing his things into a suitcase frantically. Soobin then closed his suitcase which was full of the absolute bare minimum and pushed through the two maknaes.

He made it towards the door before he stopped when Beomgyu screamed at him. "Hyung stop it! Stay! Please stay! Why are you making such a big deal out of this? We could've dealt with this such a long fucking time ago! You're such a shit leader sometimes. Fucking swallow your pride and be here for us it's not that hard. Just stay!"

Soobin stood up from where he was tying his shoes and looked into Beomgyu's eyes for the first time in what felt like forever.

"Fuck. You. I am not making a bigger deal out of this than I'm 'supposed to'. I'm just overwhelmed. Can't you try to understand me? Yeonjun hyung has been mentally degrading me since I was 18. 18 fucking years old! I was still I child in my head. You also knew why he was treating me that way and you decided to let him keep doing it so he wouldn't get hurt too? We could've fixed the situation by reporting our manager to PD-nim. But no~ you both decided the better option was to let me get mentally destroyed by someone I loved dearly. Do you know how traumatizing that is? How painful it is to watch someone you love turn into someone you don't feel safe or comfortable around? I gave Yeonjun the benefit of the doubt- hoping that if I could manage to stay kind and loving towards him he would finally stop this treatment towards me but no! It kept going. So I'm sorry if I'm being a shit leader by leaving you all alone but it seems like none of you ever tried to fight for me. I'm always fighting for you. I used to love this team so much you know that? I loved us all so much. This team was everything I could've hoped for. But you two had to ruin this for all of us. And all because of what? Because Yeonjun had a stupid ass crush on me? Fuck you. Fuck all of you. I hate you Yeonjun for destroying me from the outside in. I hate you Beomgyu for pretending to comfort me when in reality you were just standing aside and letting me be hurt over and over and over again. I hate you Taehyun for constantly trying to fix everything but all you ever actually do is break everything you ever touch. And I hate you Kai for being so oblivious to the point where you think everything is sunshine and rainbows and then get mad when others don't see the fucking world that way. I hate how you all paint me. I hate how all of you view me. I hate all of you! You guys could go die in a hole for all I care! Fuck you. G-go fuck yourselves."

Soobin then wiped the tears off of his face and stormed out of the dorm, slamming the door behind him.


Chapter 17 is done!

This was a messy chapter but I think it matches the messy emotions the characters are supposed to be feeling.

This book will be ending soon. :)

Also Happy late Birthday to our lovely Beomgyu us Moas love you so much more than you know! (Let's prepare ourselves for the 23 big hit curse because Beomgyu just entered it!)

One dream! ~ Kai 🫶🏼


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