Chapter - 8

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Yeonjun walked into the practice room, joining the other members. He had cleaned himself up quite well. He looked almost as if he hadn't self-quarantined himself for two days. He wore black sweatpants, a white short-sleeved shirt, white sneakers, and a black mask.

However, even with his mask on, anyone could see that the boy had extremely large and dark eye bags. Over the course of two days, he had not gotten proper sleep and it was very apparent.

The practice room became quiet as the oldest walked over toward the rest of the members. He sat down next to Taehyun and started to stretch just as the others were doing. Yeonjun avoided the stares from the four men.

'This is going to be awkward' Soobin thought.


The dance practice had gone on for a long and grueling 6 hours before the members had decided to order food. Taehyun had hoped that the mention of food would maybe bring up a good reaction from Yeonjun but Yeonjun didn't seem too thrilled. Instead, Yeonjun said "I don't think I'm that hungry. I'll go to the bathroom."

As soon as he left Beomgyu Kai and Taehyun instantly started conversing. They had a lot to say as they had not properly talked in 6 hours due to Yeonjun's stressful aura.

"I want to know what happened when he got back from the club..."

"Me too. Whatever happened that night had to have been pretty bad if it's causing Hyung to act like that."

"He's always been more reserved about his interactions with others but he's never kept anything from us when it's bad."

"Yeah I'm honestly really worried-"

Soobin stood up suddenly, grabbing the attention of the maknae and Beomgyu line. "I'm gonna go check on him." He muttered before walking out of the practice room and towards the bathrooms.

"Uhm...Soobin's aware Hyung won't like that, right?"

"Yeah, he's just fucking stupid."




Soobin walked into the bathroom, looking for his hyung. He was aware that the older wouldn't appreciate the checking up on him but he needed to clear his head too. He needed to make sure that they would move past the incident and never speak about it again.

Soobin was just about to call the black-haired male's name before the said male walked out of a stall and made eye contact with him. Yeonjun froze before rolling his eyes.  He walked to go wash his hands.

"Y-Yeonjun. We should talk." Soobin mentally cursed himself for stuttering.

Yeonjun looked up at Soobin through the mirrors in front of him as he continued to wash his hands. They made eye contact once again. The room grew quiet as Yeonjun didn't bother answering the other.

"Fine. If you're not going to answer then I'll just talk." Soobin said before leaning against the wall.
"We both know that we were both drunk so we both had no idea what we were doing..."

The start of Soobin's statement made Yeonjun's stomach churn. But I knew what I was doing...

"So I think in all fairness we should just never talk about what happened that night. I know you're straight so that was probably traumatizing for you." Soobin said the last part with a weak chuckle. Fresh tears were rising in Soobin's eyes making his vision go blurry.

Yeonjun saw the tears that were in Soobin's eyes. His heart dropped thinking about having to see his leader cry.

"Why are you crying? It's not like this will end our lives. If we keep this a secret then we'll be fine, Yeah?" Yeonjun said, no clear emotion shown in his tone. Soobin nodded as Yeonjun walked out, leaving Soobin alone.

As soon as the bathroom door closed Soobin dropped to the floor. He grabbed his blonde hair in an attempt to ground himself.

Why'd I have to like the worst person? Of course the borderline homophobic, straight fuckboy.

Soobin looked up at the ceiling trying to stop the flow of tears.

You always choose the worst guys. Never going to find happiness at this rate Soobin...


Soobin walked back into his group's practice room around 10 minutes later. As soon as he walked into the room his already low mood got even lower.

Yeonjun was laughing loudly with Beomgyu. Soobin has never seen Yeonjun laugh that way with him. Soobin had always tried to make the older laugh during their trainee years but he had never succeeded. Seeing Beomgyu always being able to make their hyung laugh so easily is something that he had always been envious of. He had always been envious of Beomjun's friendship. He knew they were close and he knew he could never be that close with Yeonjun. Not even if he tried his best. And at the end of the day, that's one of the many thoughts that constantly kept Soobin up at night.

While continuing to watch Beomgyu and Yeonjun continue to laugh and joke around he felt himself start to tear up again so he quickly ran out of the room and accidentally slammed the door which grabbed the attention of everyone in the room.

Taehyun glared at Yeonjun which the older had seen before he sat up and ran after his leader, leaving the remaining three members confused.

"Uhm...anyways- you were saying?" Yeonjun said to Beomgyu, smiling widely.


Chapter 8 is doneee!

I'm finally on summer break!! This year felt like it went on forever no joke...

One dream! ~ Kai 🫶🏼


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