Chapter - 3

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It's too fucking early for this shit. Yeonjun thought as he threw on a sweatshirt and sweatpants before meeting the other members in the cars they were supposed to take to a "To Do" shooting.

Yeonjun just hoped he wouldn't have to ride in the same car as Soobin.

He didn't wanna be anywhere near him.


Now Yeonjun doesn't like to think he's homophobic. He likes to think of it as him being "cautious". He knows how he feels about being experimental, but he's not gay. As long as no dating rumors pop up he's fine. He's wanted to be an idol for as long as he could remember so he wouldn't let anything ruin this for him. Never. That's why he's been starting to get cautious of Soobin- he can tell whenever he starts to blush or when he gets flustered. And Yeonjun doesn't like it. He doesn't mind when it's in front of the cameras- he knows fanservice is a given when you're an idol- he's just started to notice Soobin's behavior wouldn't change. Even after the camera was turned off. I just need to be cautious of him.


Yeonjun quickly got into the car he had been told to get into since he was the last member to arrive and much to his relief he shared a car with Taehyun. Thank fuck.

"You good Jun?" Taehyun asked as he saw Yeonjun physically relax in his seat.

"Mhm" was all Yeonjun muttered before letting himself fall asleep.


After the "To Do" filming Soobin and his members had the rest of the day off so Soobin, being the introvert he is, decided to stay home the rest of the day.

What he didn't know was that the maknae + the Beomgyu line had left to go get lunch. Leaving just him and Yeonjun alone in the dorm.

Soobin got up after a while to make himself some food cuz he was starving. He dragged himself through the hallway of the dorm and ended up cooking himself some ramen. He then felt himself being watched so he looked behind him and made direct eye contact with his hyung. He quickly looked away.


Yeonjun was leaning against his room's door frame with his arms crossed, eyes boring into Soobins head. He had already figured out that the three youngest of the members had left so he had the freedom to stare without the younger saying anything to him and calling him out.

"You decided to make food only for yourself?" Yeonjun asked the blonde. The younger didn't respond.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes at Soobin and pushed himself off the door frame, walking over towards the kitchen. He then walked directly behind the younger, pressing the front of his body against the youngers back and setting his hands on the counter on either side of Soobin, caging him in. He physically felt the younger tense and smirked, he liked to be a tease. He missed messing around with the trainees. But he's not gay so he'll only go so far with his members. He knew the younger could smell the alcohol off of him so he didn't have to have a reason to justify his next moves.

Yeonjun leaned forward and whispered into the talker's ear, "You gonna answer me or not? Cuz if not I could always...make you answer." He smirked when he saw Soobin's hands twitch and his ears turned red.

Yeonjun wrapped his arms around the other male's slim waist, reaching under the shirt and feeling the soft, warm skin of the younger torso. He then grazed his lips against the back of the taller neck for a minute and then rested his lips there. He then left subtle, light kisses on the back of Soobin's neck before he sucked at the skin for a minute earning a surprised squeak from Soobin. Yeonjun's foggy and drunk mindset slowest faded as the abrupt sound from the younger had brought him back. Yeonjun pulled away and stared at the youngers neck before realizing what he did. Shit. A Hickey.

"Don't make it weird, Soobin I was just...needy or whatever. I'm not gay like you for fucks sake so stop being stiff and loosen up." Yeonjun spat out fast before the younger could also realize what the older had put onto his neck.

Yeonjun then sped away to his room. "Also don't forget about Beomgyu's birthday party tonight," Yeonjun informed Soobin before slamming his room door and sliding onto his bedroom floor. A hickey? What the fuck are you doing to me Soobin? No, it's gotta be the alcohol.


Chapter 3 is doneee!

Im trying to write more because I now know my author friend is reading this so I gotta try to write as well as I can for her lol


One dream! ~ Kai 🫶🏼


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