Chapter - 13

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Yeonjun pulled away from the blondes body, walking away fast towards his room. But behind him, the younger followed.

The older tried to close his bedroom door before the younger could get inside but to no avail. The younger ran into his room before he could close the door, shutting the door and locking the two inside.

"Don't run away, not right now hyung please." The words felt heavy on Soobin's tongue, forcing himself to beg the older.

"Soobin get the fuck out. You know you can't be in my room." Yeonjun said harshly, glaring at the taller male.

"Yeonjun just tell me what you told Tae and Gyu. If you tell me I'll never even look at you again, okay? It'll be like I don't even exist." Soobin sighed, knowing his promise wasn't going to be kept because of their jobs. "I just need to know what made them cry."

Yeonjun stood there, frozen, looking at the younger male stare at him hopefully. Yeonjun wanted to break down, wanted to give Soobin what he's asking from him but he couldn't find where to start. If he told Soobin what he told Taehyun and Beomgyu he knew that everything would change. He didn't want that. He just wanted to be left alone.

"Soobin you know you can't be in my bedro-"

"Stop! Just tell me what the fuck the problem is!"

Yeonjun stopped completely. His breath hitched.

Soobin never swears at him.

Of course he cusses every now and then, but it's mostly in a joking manner. But this? He never uses cuss words like this unless something makes him really upset.

"I can't.." Yeonjun started, his voice already cracking. He felt tears fill his eyes and his throat started to burn.

I want to tell you Bin, I want to.

Yeonjun looked into Soobin's eyes and his stomach dropped, tears were sliding down the youngers cheeks.

I made him cry?

"Yeonjun right now I want you to forget you hate me. Forget that I'm Soobin. Think of me as someone else. Someone who you'd be okay telling this to. Just do anything that will help you tell me." Soobin said, stepping closer to the frozen male.

He stayed frozen, a feeling of pain taking over his body. His throat burned the more he tried not to cry and his breathing was shaky.

I want to tell you.

Why is it so hard to tell you?

Would you treat me differently if I told you?

Would you treat me like I'd break?

Or would you treat me like I'm strong?

Would you hate me even more?

Or would you understand me for hurting you?

Would you believe me?

Or would you call me a liar?

I wish I could hold you.

But would you even let me touch you?

You're such a good person and I don't want to hurt you anymore.

If I told you this would it hurt you?

It shouldn't be this hard to tell you.

I should be able to tell you.

I'll tell you.

"Our manager." Yeonjun whispered. Soobin leaned in closer, not being able to hear what the younger he said. "What?"

"Our manager." The older said, standing a little straighter.


"Our manager," Yeonjun couldn't keep his tears in anymore. "He knew t-that I liked you. Before debut. He could tell."

Soobin furrowed his eyebrows at the older.

Yeonjun liked me?

"But he didn't like that. Told me if I didn't get rid of my feelings he was going to get rid of me. I-I was scared. I was really fucking scared. All I wanted was to be an idol. So bad. So I forced myself to distance myself, but you- fuck. You didn't get the memo. So our manager he made sure to give me somewhat of a 'final warning'" Yeonjun explained with finger quotes.

"He hit me. And I know I should've been able to fight back but god I wanted this job more than a-anything." Yeonjun couldn't even stand up that well with how hard he was breathing so Soobin grabbed him and sat the two on his bed. "I had to make sure you didn't get on our managers bad side too- I knew you liked me too. So I had to make sure you lost feelings. I had to be mean to you. And I can say that it w-worked."

Yeonjun stood up to kneel in front of Soobin. "But Binnie, I am so sorry, because even if my plan worked for you, it never worked for me. I still like you Bin. I'm sorry. I never w-wanted to hurt you." 


Chapter 13 is done!

Idk how to feel.

One dream! ~ Kai 🫶🏼


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