Chapter 16

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Now when Taehyun had told Kai that he was going to fix everything he hadn't thought that what Taehyun had meant by that was getting Yeonjun and Soobin to share a room.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? What if this causes more damage? Soobin and Yeonjun hyung don't even know this is happening." Kai said while he carried a heavy box of Soobin manga's into Yeonjun and Beomgyu's room. "And Beomgyu hyung isn't even aware that he's being kicked out of his room either! And who's going to get Soobin's room alone?"

Taehyun sighed before turning around and looking at Kai in disinterest. "Yes it is a good idea because if they share a room, they'll have to talk to each other and then they'll eventually have to work things out. And Beomgyu hyung is going to get the solo room. He's older than us and there's no chance that he'll agree to bunk with either of us if the solo room is an option." He answered Kai's questions and then maneuvered around Kai to go grab more of Soobin's stuff from his old room.

"So what you're saying is that we just have to wait for the two to make up on their own? Do you know how long that could take? They're stubborn Taehyun. I thought you were supposed to be the smart one out of the five of us!" Kai exclaimed dramatically. "We're so screwed." He set Soobin's mangas down on Yeonjun's desk and started unboxing them.

"I am the smart one Kai. I know what I'm doing just have faith okay? Everything will be fine."

Everything was in fact, not fine.


The duo were sitting on the couch, huddled close together uncomfortably while they waited for their three hyungs to walk into the dorm any second now. The older three had to do some adlibs in the studio so they all stayed behind, giving enough time to the youngest two to switch out the roommates.

Kai and Taehyun sat hand in hand and their thighs touching. Both were nervous at the reaction they were going to get from the older ones. It was almost unpredictable. Kai did plan to blame Taehyun is things went too far downhill though.

The pair squeezed themselves closer together as they heard the front door be unlocked and then opened. They heard Beomgyu talking and the sounds of the trio taking off their shoes. The trio walked down the hallway and saw the two on the couch. All three of them looked perplexed. Soobin, still not on speaking terms with an of the other four however, just blinked and walked over to the kitchen. Beomgyu and Yeonjun looked at one another and shrugged. Then they sat next to the younger ones. Beomgyu on Taehyun's side and Yeonjun on Kai's.

"So..." Beomgyu started, drawing out the word. "What are you two doing?"

The pair exchanged glances and chuckled humorously. Kai was a better liar in moments like this so he started talking. "We were just waiting for you guys to come home so we can watch a movie together. I feel bad that I blew up like that earlier and probably scared you all."

Yeonjun replied quickly, "it's not your fault that you blew up Hyuka. It's his..." and he turned his head over towards the kitchen, where Soobin was searching for bread in the bread cabinet.

"Hyung there's no bread. I'll tell manager tomorrow to shop don't worry." Taehyun spoke over to Soobin who didn't acknowledge the younger, only glanced over at the four before walking away towards his bedroom. Or what he thought was his bedroom.

"Here we go." Taehyun whispered into Kai's ear, not noticing the sour stare Beomgyu gave him at that action. Not even a minute later was Soobin back in the living room, face full of confusion.

"What happened to my bedroom? Beomgyu why is your stuff in my room?" Soobin asked with his brow furrowed. Beomgyu now looked just as confused. "What? My stuff isn't in your room." Beomgyu ignored the odd feeling in his chest now that he had finally spoken to Soobin for the first time in over a month.

"Yes it is. Come look." Soobin turned around quickly and Beomgyu stood up to follow. The other three followed after a beat. And indeed Beomgyu's stuff was in 'Soobin's' bedroom.

"Wha- but I didn't put my belongings in your room- wait. Tae...Kai..." beomgyu said as he turned around slowly to meet eyes with the two youngest. "Is this why you two were cuddling on the couch? What weird stuff did you do to Soobin's stuff? Soobin doesn't have a room now! What is going on right now?" Taehyun cut Beomgyu off before he could keep running his motor mouth anymore.

"Well Soobin does have a room...with Yeonjun. And manager hyung said it might be a good idea to have the two oldest bunk in the same room. So...give it a try." And that was all he said before pulling himself, Kai, and Beomgyu into Beomgyu's new solo bedroom.


Chapter 16 is done!

Half asleep while writing this sorry lol but I'm excited for this book

Happy Birthday Taehyun us Moas love you so much! (I can't believe he's 22 now)

One dream! ~ Kai 🫶🏼


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