Chapter - 14

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But Binnie, I am so sorry, because even if my plan worked for you, it never worked for me. I still like you Bin. I'm sorry. I never w-wanted to hurt you.

Yeonjun's words rang in Soobin's head, making no room for anything else. He sat on the cold tile of his dorm's bathroom, with dried tears staining his face. He could hear his members' muffled voices in the living room but he couldn't focus or hear what the four were discussing. The talking seemed violent and nothing short of aggressive.

He felt as though he was making a big deal out of nothing. He felt as if he shouldn't have cried over something like this. After all, he doesn't cry unless something really bad happens. But for some reason, this, this out of everything was the one thing that made him break down on the bathroom floor.

He pulled his knees up to his chest, looking up towards the ceiling. He had stopped crying a while ago, a numb feeling overtaking his body. He wasn't tired yet his eyelids were so heavy. He wasn't hungry yet his stomach ached. He felt numb, yet he felt sensitive, almost fragile to everything around him.

He tried some breathing exercises that he had learned from his mom. When he was younger he would have small anxiety attacks before going to school so him mom would make him practice breathing to help. He memorized the techniques once he realized he won't be with his mom every time he had an attack.

He breathed in and out, holding 3 seconds between each intake and output of breath. He looked up towards the ceiling and continued this for a few minutes. He could feel his heart beat slow down.

He sighed and closed his eyelids, feeling like he could stay like this forever but he was pulled out from his dissociation and pulled back into reality. He heard the voices in the living room grow increasingly louder and before he could stop himself he was already standing up. He wanted the yelling to stop.

"Yeonjun you can't use your trauma as an excuse to hurt people!"

"I'm not using as an excuse, I'm using it as an explanation!"

"We should check on Soobin."

"For the last goddamn time Kai I told you to leave him alone!"

"I just want to make sure-"

Soobin closed the bathroom door behind him and walked out into the cold living room. He was met with the image of his four members facing each other, but all of them were looking at Soobin. Soobin felt hot now in the cold room as the attention was turned on him. He made eye contact with Yeonjun, who's eyes were also red and his face was puffy.

"I just wanted to say goodnight." Soobin muttered before walking away and going into his bedroom. He heard footsteps behind him not making him nervous much thinking it was Beomgyu. He heard the door close and the footsteps come closer before stopped behind him.
He was turned around by a pair of hands and froze once he realized it was Yeonjun and not his roommate.

What could he possible say to me right now.

They were close and now that Soobin could see yeonjuns face up close and clearly, he felt his heart twinge at the dried tears that decorated his cheeks. He also felt slightly disgusted with himself that he felt pity for his hyung when all his hyung did was hurt him. On top of that, he hurt him purposefully. His eyes wandered, studying his hyung's face. They traveled to his sharp eyes that were red before moving to his pointed nose before stopping to stare at the unique lips. The same ones he had let touch his in a dirty club bathroom.

Oh wow. The dirty club bathroom.

He felt his cheeks heat up from the foggy memory of Yeonjun kissing him against the bathroom door. He never felt as though any genuine like or feelings came from Yeonjun's kiss so he placed the memory into the very back of his mind. He made himself believe that Yeonjun only kissed him because he was horny and drunk and Soobin was the closest trustable person in his view. But now he's knows that Yeonjun might've been more sober for that kiss than he originally thought.

He stood stiff and frozen as Yeonjun's hands were still on his arms, keeping him in place. They could both feel the awkward tension rise the longer they stood there but neither dared to move. Soobin saw Yeonjun's mouth open and close, as if he wanted to say something but didn't have the courage to. Soobin finally moved away once he heard the room's door start to open. Yeonjun moved away too, completely turning around and walking out of the bedroom with no hesitation. Odd.

Beomgyu walked in after Yeonjun walked through the doorway. He glanced at Soobin and looked down at his feet, biting his lip anxiously. "Do you...wanna talk about it?"

"Let's sleep Beomgyu."

"No Soobin please. You can't keep ignoring important things. I want to know how you're feeling. I want you to tell me what you're thinking. You never tell anyone anything and I can tell by the way you just locked yourself up in the bathroom that it's affecting you. And not in a positive way." Beomgyu said. He walked over to Soobin and put his hands on his shoulders, forcing him to sit onto his bed.

Beomgyu sat next to Soobin, their legs pressed again each others while both stared at the floor. There was silence for a moment before Soobin spoke up. "I don't understand why he didn't tell me about our manager. Tell any of us. He could've just been mean to me in public and not alone. We're supposed to be a group. We're supposed to have each others backs. I don't know how take this Beomgyu- I really don't."

Soobin looked over to Beomgyu and saw him fidgeting with his hands, something he does when he's anxious or in thought. Soobin furrowed his eyebrows.

"What..." The blonde asked quietly to the thinking brunette. Beomgyu looked at soobin only for him to look away quickly once they made eye contact. "He didn't keep the situation a secret." The younger muttered.

Soobin's eyebrows furrowed once more at the others words. "What?"

"He told me. He told me about the situation. He trusted me with the information and I promised I would help him. I also promised I wouldn't tell you." Beomgyu confessed as he looked anywhere except Soobin.

Soobin felt his head hurt with the new information.

Soobin stood up before slowly making his way towards the bedroom's door. He was about to leave before he looked back at the younger, who had tears welling up in his eyes. "I really wanted you on my side. You know that?" Soobin said before exiting the room, leaving a guilty Beomgyu inside.


Chapter 14 is done!

Im sorry for being gone gor a few months- high school has been beating my ass lately. I will try to do more frequent updates now that I have a schedule down. I hope you like the chapter!


One dream! ~ Kai 🫶🏼


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