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I locked my self in bathroom. I didn't care about that alot of people tried to get in. I needed to be alone.

I held my legs closer to my body and watched water slowly falling from tap down. My clothes was soaked by water and my hair was covering my whole face.

Even I didn't know why I was doing this. Why am I hiding? Am I scared of them? No, that's not the reason... I wasn't scared of them I was scared of their thoughts. What are they thinking about me? What must Ray have in his head right now? Everything only because of her. How I hated sister Krone at this moment couldn't words describe. Why the hell would she do it? I guess I never gets an answer to this question.

I heard sound of keys. Door opened and Isabella walked in. She comes closer to me and knelt down to me: ,,Poor Y/N... this must hurt. But I have some news for you." I looked up to her and she continued: ,,I have got message from headquarters. They want to send you to another farm and do some tests on you. Don't worry your training will continue." I was at absolute shock: ,,W- what? Why are they wanting me?"
,,They found you interesting and he wants to know what you can do."

It must be something with that project. Does that mean that I'm different then others?

,,And where am I going to leave?" I asked. She smiled: ,,Today after dinner. Well in other words in one hour. You can start preparing your self." She stood up and left me alone. I was still in shock. Why? Why now? Why is nothing going like I wanted? Well at least none other is going to get hurt...

I get my self up and washed my face. I looked at mirror. The fear that was in my eyes was visible for everyone. I smiled and tried to hide it. I left bathroom and goes to bedroom. I found my notebook. I knew that this is going to be selfish, but I didn't care. I held pencil and started to write.

Someone knocked at doors and opened them. I knew it was her: ,,It's time, Y/N." I stood up, already in my shipout clothes. I goes to her: ,,Can I ask you for something?" ,,Of course, what do you want?" I handed her the letters I was writing last hour: ,,Can you give this to them after 5 days I'm away. I want them to have at least one letter from someone." She smiled and hide the letters to her pocket. Both of us goes from the bedroom and went down to hallway. Youngest kids were playing in here and older kids were preparing dinner. First who saw me was Phil: ,,Y/N! You finally-" He stopped when he saw my clothes, but his little scream gets everyone's attention. I could see that when they saw me they were shocked.

,,I'm having a news. Y/N is getting adopted by Weale's family and is going right now!" Said happy Isabella.

,,Congratulations Y/N!" Said little ones who didn't know anything about secret. The others looked at me: ,,That's not possible..." whispered Emma. I came closer to them: ,,I'm sorry I didn't tell the truth to you. But I wasn't your enemy. I did this only for our sake. Please escape safely this place." I whispered to them while I hugged them. ,,Y/ must try run away." Said Emma. I shaked my head: ,,There is no point in it. I already accept it." ,,But we didn't! So get your suicid-" ,,And these words coming from you, Ray? Please just don't f*ck up this plan we have." ,,You are really dumb Y/N at this moment..." Mumbled Norman. I smirked: ,,Norman, I know what am I doing, Okay? Just believe in me." He looked at my eyes. He tried to find some hints of my plan, but unsuccessfully.

,,Y/N, we are really going to miss you!" Said Jemima and Yvette while they tried not to cry. ,,Ohhh I'm going to miss you too, but you need to stay strong!" Both of girls tried to shake their head for agree but they started crying. I kneel to them and huged them: ,,I'm really going to miss you, but I promise you that I will send you some letter."
,,Really?" Asked little boy next to them.
,,Yes, I promise you that I will send you all some letter." And held his pinky:
,,This is pinky promise. And I don't break them." His little chocolate eyes looked at ours fingers. He sadly smiled: ,,Okay, I'll wait for your letter."

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