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I was still in my room. My hands were put on my table. I was trying to stand on my shaking legs. It was so painful and I was trying to hold my tears back.

,,You don't need to push your self. We have got a lot of time." Said Lewis who was sitting next to me.

,,But I can't be like this. I need to be capable to move." Pain in my legs started to getting worst so I sitted down. Lewis held me cup of water: ,,Or is this your ego talking?" I drank the water and pet misters Tin. ,,I know that farms puts so many work, worries and those things to your mind and all of you must think, that you need to be still capable to run, think, move and trick your enemy...but that's not true you can slow down and give your self a break. After all you are only humans." Said Lewis.

I sighted: ,,But-" ,,No buts, I'm going to watch you and if you're going to be hard on your self I'm going to slow you down." He interrupted me. I looked at him and knew that he was telling the truth. I smiled: ,,Okay." He stood up and goes next to me: ,,So now we can start with something simple."


,,See! I told you if we are going to slow down you'll walk again really fast!" Said proudly Lewis. Both of us were in hallway and I was finally on my legs that didn't hurt. ,,Yeah. I must thank you for those 3 days. You really helped me." He laughed about it: ,,You don't need to thank me...after all we are still enemies." I knew it, but for those past days I started to like him...

My eyes went to some big cell that was done with translucent glass. In there I saw five kids. Oh it is that same cell I saw when I get in here.

I heard footsteps behind me. ,,02194, we have got another job for you." Said doctor. I recognise him. He was at that room. ,,What job?" I asked. ,,You're a hight score and can take care of kids, so you'll do that. These kids right here-" His heand moved to these five kids ,,They are really inteligent and have got big potential, but they are not socially. So we need someone they can trust." I looked at them. I could see that they were scared to death. All of them was again in one corner and one of the girls was watching the doors. I could see in her eyes that she doesn't want them to open. ,,So you want me to become their little buddy?" I asked. He smirked: ,,Exactly. After that we can finally start to do the test." I felt my beating. I don't wanna be the reason why the could finally do the test. Man walked to doors: ,,Come here. You will have one hour." I came to him and waited for him to open the entrance.

Doors slowly opened and I walked to dark room. There were only one light and table with chair. Nothing more. The mud was everywhere and blood was visible on some spots of walls.

All of the kids turned their heads to me. I could see that they started to shake. I stopped and tried to look friendly: ,,I'm not going to hurt you. There is no need in being scared." But they didn't say anything. I slowly walked to them and when I was only few centimetres before them I stopped and sitted down before them. ,,I'm same as you." I said while I unbuttoned my shirt and showed both of my marks. ,,All of these doctors see me as project, nothing more. They're doing same things to me. You can trust me"

I could see that they finally started yo relax. ,,Y-you are not same as her?" Asked same girl that was watching doors. I shaked my head: ,,No. She is absolutely monster with no human emotions." She looked into my eyes. I didn't break the eyes contact.

I needed them to trust me.

She finally accepted me: ,,Okay, I believe you." I smiled: ,,Thanks. And what's your names?" One of the boys answered me: ,,My is 302-" but I interrupted him: ,,No I don't meen codes. I wanna knows names." They looked at me like they don't know what it is. ,,I think we don't have any name thing." Said another boy. I felt the sadness in my body. They must be from some factory farm. ,,Do you have got any name thing? And what it is?" Asked little girl.

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