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I woke up by sound of ring. My eyes slowly opened and saw white ceiling. Oh God, so it wasn't a dream... I turned to other side of my bed and closed my eyes again. I just want to sleep and escape this horrible place.

,,Hey Brat! Wake up! I don't have time to your jokes!" Yelled Hideki who just entered my room. I fast opened my eyes and sitted up: ,,Yes ma'am." She smirked: ,,Good project~ now get your *ss up. I give you five minutes." She closed the doors. I get up and goes to the wardrobe. I opened the doors and found just one pair of clothes. I take it out and looked at it.

It was same type that has Norman in manga, only colours were different. Pants were some sort of wide jeans in black colour. Shirt was white and had those interesting collar. Vest was dark blue.

,,Well at least they have some good fashion taste." I put clothes on and looked at my self. I looked really good but my hair was right now problem. They were so long that they would bother me. I've got an idea and goes to suitcase I had from Grace Field. I opened it and found the needles from Isabella. I come back before a mirror and tired to do bun with them. At second try I finally did it and was satisfied with result.

,,Your time's up project!" Hideki ran to my room again. I get to her and waited for her next words. ,,We are going to do some tests on you! I'm really excited because none of others have same as you! Aren't you excited?" She keeps talking while we walked in the hallway.
,,Yes ma'am." ,,Me and others guessed if you are going to be alive after it... well your chance is 1:36 that you are going to survive! Pretty impressive, isn't it?!" She laughed about it like maniac. I looked scared at her and swallowed my thoughts: ,,Yes ma'am." She reached into her pocket and took out a card. It was completely white and on one side there were red stains. We stopped before some doors. She putted that card on silver part of doors. It slowly opened and both of us entered the room.

There was dark and cold. In half of the room was big chair with alot of belts. Before it was electronic desk with alot of buttons. For my surprise we weren't alone. In the room was already 14 people. They had same clothes as Hideki. They looked at me with same pathetic look as her and started to whispere to each others.

I closed my eyes and tried to breathe. To be honest I wasn't that type of people who feels comfortable with alot of people around me. It makes me anxious. Yes, maybe I joke around but inside I'm sacred and want to go somewhere different. Mainly when all of them are men. My trust to them died after he...I've got chill over my whole body. Now is not time to think about this things! I screamed at my self.

,,Project, go sit on this chair." Ordered Hideki. ,,Yes ma'am." I goes and sitted down like good dog. Two man got to me and stared to fasten the belts. After they were done I couldn't move even inch of my body. Another one was already next to me and now he had scarf. He pulled it on my face and tied it around my eyes. Now I couldn't see. I could feel that my hands and legs are starting to shake and my breathing is worse. Now I was just waiting if they are going to do something or just kill me on spot.

,,Now we're going to start the test. It is going to be really simple. We'll enter to your mind by the needle, that is going to go to your brain by your neck. After that we will monitor your brain and try to find some information." Said new voice I didn't know. ,,If you are going to be alive by that time." Added Hideki with laughter.

My eyes widened. What did they say?! No, I can't live after they do this! I'm going to die! I felt something cold on my back. My heart started to beat really fast and I couldn't breathe. It was slowly going into me. I tried not to make any noises, but I was still shaking. The needle got into my body and I felt big pain over my whole body. I screamed in agony and tears from my eyes started to go down my cheeks. But the pain didn't stop and I could feel it going up my head till it didn't got to my skull. I thought it would stop, but not. It started to shake and drill to my brain. My screams started now sound more painful and I couldn't stop to scream. It was too much. That pain... I couldn't stand it. I want to die, it would be better then this pain. But it reached my top and I back out.

Or I thought. I could finally see. What happened? I was in my room from my Ratri life. I'm I dead? I walked to my bed and saw nothing on it. That's strange... I always have something on my bed from that day...

I heard crack from behind and turned around. I saw mu self when I was 12. What? How can there be two of me? My younger self locked the room and ran to bed. She sitted down and held her knees. ,,Oh God, why is this happening?" She mumbled for her self. Her hands went to her neck where was big red dot. ,,Mike please safe me."

I finally knew what was going on. This is just my memory. But why this one? Why it can't be happy one? I don't wanna see that aging.

At that moment someone opened doors. Even though it was locked. It was a boy. He was 18 years old. He had blond long hair and green eyes. On his face was smirk. ,,You can't run away form me Y/N." My younger self looked scared at him: ,,P-please go away Gabriel" He closed the doors and slowly comes closer to her. ,,And why would I do that? After all you are my girlfriend."
,,N-no! I'm not your g-girlfriend!" She screamed at him. He smiled: ,,Your father is saying other things." She started to shake. He sitted next to her: ,,He told me that I need to-" ,,I'm normal! Why can't you u-understand that?" She interrupted him. He looked deadly at her: ,,because other girls would enjoy being with someone like me. Normal girls would love me. But you." He touched her cheek:,, You hate me and I don't understand why? Why can't you just love me?" He leaned to her and kissed her. She wanted to go. But he held her by her chin and waist so she couldn't move. Tears were only part of her that could move. He stopped the kiss and whispered to her ear: ,,You are mine and you can't escape it. After you become the head of family you are not going to run away from me."

I again felt dizzy. Now I was in room from Lambda. I saw only girl sitting on chair. She was playing chess with her self. That's a weirdo. I again looked at her and get one thing. She looks exactly like me. Same white hair. Same eyes. Same clothes. Everything. Her hand stopped even she had figure in it. She looked up and I could feel that she was watching me. She tilt her head and smiled. That's not possible she can't see me I'm in my....wait a f*cking minute.

Someone opened the doors. I looked at that new person and saw white clothes. ,,It's time to go Elsie." Said that person. She stood up and passed me. When that happened I heard female voice: ,,We will see each other my precious Y/N." I looked at her but her lips were one thick line. ,,You can  see me?" I asked her but before she could answer I felt dizzy.

I opened my eyes and found out I was in my room. ,,You wake up Y/N! That's good news. For first time you was really good." Said Smee who was sitting in chair next to my bed. ,,H-how long was I out?" I asked him still with shaking voice. ,,Around three hours . It wasn't really that long." He said and get him self new cigarette ,,But I think Hideki isn't going to be happy." He added. I sitted on edge of my bed: ,,Why?" He smiled: ,,She bet on that, if you are going to survive she will cut her hair." I smiled: ,,Well at least some good news." Now I wanted to stood up, but my legs were numb. ,,Don't try that. Your whole body is in shock. I guess you will day or two lay down." I glanced at him: ,,No! I don't wanna ley down!" He patted my head: ,,You need to slow down." I sighted: ,,But what about my training with you?" I asked him. His smile dropped: ,,I'm no longer your teacher. There is someone other." My mouth opened in shock: ,,What? Why? And who is my new teacher?!" He stood up: ,,You'll see but I think you will like him. When he is in mood he is really silly." Before I could say anything he left my room.

I lay down again. Oh God today is really good day! Firstly that test, secondly that girl who could see me and now Smee is no longer my teacher?! What in the Isabella's name is happening? I turned around and saw my bookshelf. Maybe some book will improve my day? I held fist book and looked at it's name.

The great experience of life


I just smiled and started to read even though I thanked it was going to be shitty story.

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