Chapter 1|In the middle of nowhere

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Wake up, Wooyoung...
Open your eyes...

The buzzing sound of the sun hitting the stones beneath him tickled Wooyoungs ears and made him wake up from his deep sleep. His head was thobbing in sync with his heartbeat, his pulse pounding against his temple, making him furrow his eyebrows. He had a massive headache. His head felt hot and like it was about to explode.

"Ouch..." He mumbled. His voice sounded low and raspy. Carefully he tried to open his brown eyes, but immediately regretted it, when suddenly a bright light blinded him, so he had to shut his eyes again. The sun was shining brightly in the sky above him. The strong rays of the sun hit him hard, making it hard for him to open his eyes. When he tried again a few seconds later, he raised his hand up to shield his face from the bright sun light.

Its so hot...

The boy thought to himself as he finally opened his eyes and looked up at the cloudless blue sky. A tired sigh left his sore throat, leading him to cough. Feeling weak he turned on his side slowly, as to not get dizzy from moving too fast. His hand touched the hot ground and carefully he pushed himself up, until he was sitting upright, holding his thobbing head. It felt weird. He couldn't remember falling asleep the day before. Actually... He couldn't remember the day before. Confused he raised his head and started to look around. He found himself in the middle of a courtyard built of bright sandstone with really pretty, colorful mosaics decorating the courtyard and the walls of the u-shaped building behind him. Not far from him in the center of the courtyard he saw water splashing into a decorative fountain. The water was reflecting the light of the shining sun, making it appear to shine beautifully. The was barely any green around, apart from some exotic looking red and purple flowers that decorated the windows of the building, and weeds that grew between the individual stones that formed the ground. A little taken aback by the beauty around him, it took a few seconds for he confusion to hit him again.

"Where... Where am I?" He asked himself, feeling slightly scared in this strange environment. He had no idea where the hell he was. The open space of the u-shaped building opened bis sight to a large sandy area, like a desert and the building itself also suggested a location somewhere in the desert. That would definitely explain the burning hot temperatures. The boy felt like he was sitting in a oven being cooked. His throat was dry and he was extremely thirsty. A little hesitantly he looked over to the fountain, then looked around again, checking, if there was someone around, but he couldn't see anyone. He was alone. Then his eyes met with the fountain again. He was so thirsty... Carefully he pushed himself up from the ground, until he was finally standing, his legs still a little shaky under him. His whole body felt like it was still asleep, his muscles sore like he didn't move for an eternity. With his hands he gently rubbed over his thighs and hissed.

"Fuck, how long was i asleep??" He mumbled, then he turned towards the splashing fountain and slowly took a first step towards it. It felt awful, but his craving for water was bigger than the pain he felt, so he kept on walking, until he finally arrived at the fountain and dropped down on its stairs. He knelt next to the fountain and immediately dipped his hands into the cool liquid and sighed in relief, the leaned over, cupped his hands and filled them with water, before raising them and moving his head down to take a sip.

"I wouldn't drink that." Frightened by the sudden sound of a deep voice Wooyoung flinched and spilled all the water in his hands. He turned around fast to see who's voice had just said that, when he spotted a blond haired boy in the door frame of the building, leaning against it with crossed arms and a worried look on his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did i surprise you?" Wooyoung stared at him in fear.

"Who are you?!" He asked standing up and took a few steps backwards, until his feet met the fountain. Carefully the boy raised his hands and stepped out of the shadows.

WHO ARE YOU?|ATEEZ FANFIC (In Editing Progress)Where stories live. Discover now