Chapter 52|Back to school

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»Yunho?« Mingi said questioningly addressed at the car driver. He was sitting next to his friend on the passenger seat of the jeep and the black-haired man closed his eyes in frustration and snorted.

»Yes, Mingi?« He asked, now looking at Mingi, who looked skeptically through the windshield and raised his eyebrows.

»Are you sure we're not lost?« Mingi was careful with what he asked. Yunho had been in a really bad mood all morning after not sleeping a wink all night. The group's day had started by packing up all of their most valuable belongings and storing them in a closet. They then locked the closet and the hotel room he was in. They didn't want to risk someone breaking into the room and stealing their last supplies while they were looking for this school. After that they had driven the jeep aimlessly through the streets of Strictland for a while. Which was torture in itself. This time, however, it wasn't Wooyoung's fault that Yunho wanted to stop several times while driving to reduce the number of group members. The second youngest had been sitting peacefully in the back seat, snuggled on the lap of the group leader, who was also fast asleep with his head resting on Hongjoong's shoulder. No, the one who got on Yunho's nerves so terribly that morning was actually his seat neighbor, Mingi. Yunho wasn't easy to piss off. Really not. But all morning long, Mingi had nothing better to do than bitch, complain, or question Yunho's driving. It all started when Yunho found a sign near Main Street that featured the logo of the high school they were headed to and rough directions. So crude that it was a little hard to decipher, especially with a lack of sleep, but Yunho still managed to plot the route on their city map and then follow it. However, Mingi was immediately a bit skeptical.

»Do you really think that the map is real?«, »It must be just a trap. This sign wasn't there yesterday.« Mingi had told him something like that and then he and the group had just turned around and not followed the map, but Yunho was sure that it was the right way, so he had ignored Mingi and just driven. Now that they had arrived at the registered destination, the car was parked at the end of a street in front of a barrier that blocked the way ahead. Yunho rolled his eyes and looked at Mingi.

»Yes I am sure.« he meant. Mingi hesitated and frowned.

»But the road ends here and I don't see a school.« He replied, which only caused an annoyed snort from Yunho's side.

»We're not there yet, you nuisance. Come on, get out.« He reached over Mingi's lap to grab the door handle and pull to open the door, then turned to the back seat where Hongjoong, San, Yeosang and Jongho were sitting next to the two sleepyheads and Yunho looked at expectantly.

»What are you waiting for? Get out of the car.« Hongjoong immediately elbowed the older boy next to him in the ribs to wake him up. Confused, Seonghwa opened his eyes, grunted, and looked around.


»Wake up and get out of the car Wooyoung.« Jongho and Yeosang climbed out on the other side of the car and stepped away from the vehicle to make room for the others to get out as well. After Seonghwa had gently woken up the second youngest of the group and instructed him to get out, they all stood in front of the car and looked somewhat irresolutely at the roadblock in front of them, behind which there was nothing but a narrow, dirty side street that was impassable even without the blockade were.

»I don't know.« murmured Mingi. He grabbed the roadblock and leaned against it, looking around skeptically.

»Well, it doesn't look like high school to me here at all.« He turned and looked at his friends, who didn't look too convinced either, and turned their gazes to Yunho.

»Can I see the map again, Yunho?« Hongjoong took a few steps towards Yunho, who rolled his eyes a little annoyed and handed the card to the older one.

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