Chapter 44|Deja vu

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»Hyyyuunng!!! When are you gonna finish in there??« Hongjoong rolled his eyes annoyed and turned off the shower faucet.

»Don't rush me, man!«

»You've been in that bathroom for almost an hour!« Mingi replied in frustration, but Hongjoong just shrugged and ran a hand through his wet hair.

»I'm just taking advantage of the fact that I've got some hygiene items here! Even face masks!« The pink face mask on his face underscored this statement as he stuck his head out of the bathroom and looked sternly at Mingi. The bigger one was startled at the sight of the other.

»Shit, you look like you have gum stuck to your face!« Hongjoong gave Mingi his 'are you kidding me' look and then rolled his eyes.

»Give me twenty minutes, then it's your turn.« He closed the bathroom door again and Mingi groaned in annoyance.

»That's what you said twenty minutes ago!« Hongjoong got back in the shower and turned the faucet back on.

»If it's that urgent, ask Seonghwa or the others in the room.« he suggested. Mingi rolled her eyes in frustration and went over to the wardrobe. He grabbed some new clothes and towels and then went to the door.

»See you later, Hyung!« he called and then left the room, hoping his other friends weren't such hygiene addicts. Satisfied that no one wanted to chase him out of the bathroom anymore, Hongjoong took a deep breath and enjoyed another moment in the shower before coming out, wrapping his hair in a towel and wrapping a second one around his waist. He stood in front of the bathroom mirror and looked at his face for a long time until he was satisfied that the mask had completely set in. He carefully began to peel the face mask off his face and then threw the remains into a small garbage can next to the toilet, then he washed his face with warm water one last time and then took a deep breath.

»Done.« Freshly shaved, washed and feeling as fresh as a newborn, he left the bathroom and headed straight for the closet. He opened it and stood for a moment analyzing the clothes inside the closet before deciding on something simple, taking it out of the closet and tossing it on the bed. With the towel he had on his head, he dried his upper body and legs thoroughly and then got dressed. Feeling fresh and content, he flopped onto the bed and stretched out. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. From outside the pattering of the rain against the window pane could still be heard and from time to time a flash of lightning lit up the sky in the distance. Hongjoong knew that the storm was slowly passing because the distance between the lightning and the thunder was getting longer and it relieved the little man. It was good when the weather improved again. The whole depressing mood in rainy weather annoyed Hongjoong. He also got headaches from storms. They were loud and from the heat of the city combined with the rain the humidity was way too high. Groaning, Hongjoong sat up straight again and looked around the room. He needed something to occupy himself with. Mingi would probably be gone for at least half an hour, so Hongjoong had to find something to do on his own. Curious, he got up from the bed and began to look around the entire hotel room. The television opposite the bed was broken, that was the first thing he and Mingi checked when they discovered the television. They had hoped that it would at least work to play a few DVDs that were stacked on the shelf the TV was sitting on, but each DVD was either broken or the DVD player was because every time they tried to start one it rattled the TV only and the screen flickered in black and white pixels. The two had been very disappointed, but what else had they expected in this crap hole. Nothing that was fun actually worked, or it didn't take long for the fun to stop. After ten minutes of unsuccessfully searching the room for something to do, he stood in the middle of the room in frustration, hands on hips.

»Hm, what a boring place.« The black-and-white haired one pouted. He was bored. He wanted to do something, but as long as Mingi was in one of the other rooms, it probably won't work. He paced up and down the room, occasionally looking out the window to check the weather, and then, out of frustration, ran to the door of the room and went out into the hallway. He couldn't believe that he was so used to the boys' presence that he couldn't spend half an hour alone without dying of boredom. He looked down the hall, wondering who to go to. After thinking for a moment, he decided to go to Yeosang and Seonghwa. Her room was three doors down the hall, Hongjoong walked towards the door, reached out and grabbed the doorknob.

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