Chapter 17|Eight makes one team

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San sat alone and depressed on the hill. He had drawn up his legs, wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in his knees. He had given up. For hours he had looked for a way out, but found none. He'd searched every inch of the wall for a way out, but all he'd found was a password-protected door that was far too big and heavy to break down alone. He didn't know what to do. There was no plan B he could have chosen and he couldn't think of anything that would get him out of this situation, which is why he gave up and just sat on the grass and resigned himself to his fate. Without the password to that door, he would stay locked in here forever and sooner or later die of thirst and hunger. He took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his blond hair. He couldn't even try to find Wooyoung. Had the others perhaps already found him? Or maybe they were in the same hopeless situation as he was and neither of them would ever make it out of here. There was also nothing in this room that could in any way indicate a password. There was no writing on the walls and even the flag that was just stuck here on the hill didn't get him anywhere. It was white with a black pattern that looked kinda familiar to San but didn't tell him anything about the password. The helplessness depressed San. He hated being helpless and unable to do anything, but what else could he do. For another half hour, San sat on the grass, trying to ignore his hopeless situation and think of something else. He thought of Wooyoung and the others. He remembered the time they had spent in the city. They had had a lot of fun together and now he would probably never see them all again.
When he didn't want to wallow in self-pity anymore, he got up and walked around aimlessly in the tall grass. When he heard a voice calling his name, he stopped and listened.

»San!« he stopped short. Was it so far that he started hallucinating? He wondered and turned around when he spotted a group of five people running towards him across the grass. They weren't a few dozen meters away from him, so he wasn't sure who was with them, but he knew they were his friends. He happily raised his arm and staggered to them, but quickly noticed that the others were not in a happy mood. They came closer quickly. They ran. And then San realized why they were running. Behind them, the grass started to burn and the fire slowly spread, creeping towards them.

»Run!« Hongjoong shouted when they almost reached San. San hesitated and waited for them to get to him.

»What's going on?«

»Wooyoung and Mingi!« Seonghwa said as he stopped next to San and took a deep breath.

»What about them? You found Wooyoung?«

»Kinda. Only now he's trying to torch us and Mingi is helping him.« San looked confused at the group and shook his head.

»Why would they do that?«

»I don't know, but they should be right here, so where's the way out?« Hongjoong asked, and San led her over to the door he'd found.

»It's password protected, so I hope one of you knows the code.«

»I don't know anything, about a code.« Seonghwa said, and the others agreed.

»Fantastic.« Frustrated, Yeosang turned away from the door and turned to the rest of the meadow as he flinched back in shock and let out a small cry. Immediately the others turned around and saw the reason for Yeosang's near heart attack. Mingi and Wooyoung were standing on the grass less than five meters away from them. Both had their eyes fixed on the group and they still didn't seem to be quite themselves. San bravely took a few steps towards her, although the others tried to stop him. He stood in front of the two and looked at them.

»Stop it! Now!« he said, but got no response.

»You're our friends, why are you doing this?!«

»San, you won't get an answer, we tried!« Yeosang said, scared by the fact that Wooyoung was holding a match and was about to light it.

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