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Chapter 5

    Being able to study the most popular major in one of the best colleges and universities in the whole interstellar world, and still taking the first place in the major, Ming Xia's learning ability is naturally beyond doubt.

    Before, although Ming Xia knew that it was caused by time travel, but because there was no comparison, other than feeling that she was lucky, the rest of her feelings were not that deep.

    However, at this moment, when she reopened the high school mathematics books of the 21st century and saw those familiar and unfamiliar theories, she found that she had no pain at all. I understand everything, and I know exactly how to use those formulas.

    The huge contrast before and after crossing made Ming Xia feel very miraculous and mysterious. His interest suddenly aroused, his back straightened unconsciously, and he devoted himself even more to reading books, entering a state of ecstasy in his studies.

    In this state, Ming Xia's reading speed is very fast, basically in about ten seconds, he has to turn a page backwards, and after a while, he finished reading the compulsory mathematics course that was temporarily taken out to deal with the class teacher.

    Putting Compulsory One back to the bookend, she glanced at it, and saw that there was no Compulsory Two on the bookstand, so she bent down, rummaged through the hole in the table, found Mathematics Compulsory Two, spread it out on the table, and continued to read, but there was nothing. He noticed that the deskmate next to him had frowned and looked at her several times.

    Wang Fei's seat was right behind Ming Xia.

    He lay down on the table, arranged the three "May 3" books in order, looked at the covers of the three books for a while, and then sighed deeply.

    In previous years, he treasured and treasured the presents given by sister Ming. However, this year, sister Ming actually sent "May Three", he didn't know what to do.

    Write it, he really hates studying. Don't write it, I feel that I have failed Sister Ming's wishes.

    So sad.

    Thinking of this, Wang Fei couldn't help sighing again, curled his lips, raised his eyelids, and went to look at Ming Xia sitting in front of him, and saw her back straight, flipping through the math book very seriously.

    "Sister Ming, sister Ming, let's go online and play games together?" He stretched out his leg and kicked Ming Xia's bench, urging him in a low voice.

    When Wang Fei kicked the bench, Ming Xia happened to read half of a theory in the book, and got stuck there, feeling uncomfortable, but when she looked back, she heard Wang Fei calling her to play games, and she didn't want to bother , turned his head back directly.

    Wang Fei: ... Sister Ming turned her head away without saying a word! ! !

    Does sister Ming dislike him for disturbing her study? ! !

    Miss Ming won't be angry! ! !

    How about...he made two pages of "May Three" to apologize to Sister Ming?

    Liu Yanrui is Ming Xia's deskmate. He is not tall and thin. He wears myopia glasses as thick as a pair of wine bottles. His grades are quite good, and he has always been among the top five in his class.

    Previously, the class teacher arranged Liu Yanrui to be Ming Xia's deskmate, hoping that he, who studied hard, could lead Ming Xia to go on the right path. But in fact, many times, the teachers take things for granted among the students.

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