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Chapter 123

    Mike had noticed Ming Xia's expression a long time ago, but he thought it was a distorted face caused by jealousy, so he looked more energetic on the stage and spoke very proudly.

    On the live broadcast platform, netizens from the United States and China also formed a sharp contrast.

    Netizens in the United States are very proud. This is the Riemann Hypothesis, one of the seven major mathematical problems in the world, and even Goldbach's conjecture is not included in it. The previous incident was just an accident. The United States is indeed the best country in the world. In every sense, the mathematics world is the same.

    A netizen from the United States even satirized the country of Hua: The sick man of East Asia is the sick man of East Asia. It just came out for a bright summer, and the tail really went straight to the sky. To borrow a saying from your country of Hua, Feng Shui turns around, just to make you proud for a while, but don't forget your true level.

    Ming Xia's participation in the Princeton Mathematics Academic Exchange Conference, since she decided to take the budget of the National University of Science and Technology, has been publicized in various media. Netizens in Huaguo basically watched the live broadcast for her. They wanted to see Sister Ming's delicate, charming face full of wisdom and charm, to hear Sister Ming's humorous analysis of mathematics in simple terms, and to see Sister Ming's prestige on the international stage...

    But they didn't expect, they came in for a long time, but only saw A middle-aged fat man from the United States was blaring over there, making a good exchange meeting like his own proof conference, as if he wanted to prove the Riemann Hypothesis, those netizens in the United States were even more proud, talking Don't mention how ugly it sounds.

    This is an exchange at the international level, so it is naturally impossible for Ming Xia to do something rude, rationally thinks so, but the loss in his heart cannot be restrained.

    Some netizens quit the live broadcast room, some netizens who overcame the wall began to scold American netizens in English, and some netizens continued to watch the live broadcast without saying anything, but without the initial expectation and excitement, they just watched After a while, there were fewer people calling "Sister Ming" on the screen, and I felt out of sight and out of mind.

    But there are also a large number of netizens who have confidence in Mingxia fans. They always feel that since she once slapped that Akimoto Sasuke in Japan and proved the "Goldbach Conjecture" in one fell swoop, why can't she be the same as that time? The face of this greasy American middle-aged man?

    It's just that, after this statement came out, even Huaguo netizens themselves didn't really believe it. Some people who didn't understand Ming Xia's style and felt that she was too high-profile were even more disdainful to speak out.

    Do you think world-class math problems are your Chinese cabbage? If you want to prove it, you can prove it immediately? But don't let Mingxia's fans who are as bad as the entertainment circle have no thoughts of their own. Is she a time traveler with a golden finger, and she can do whatever she wants?

    The first half of this kind of statement is okay, it’s just a rational rebuttal. Mingxia’s fans are all academic fans. The attack immediately upset Ming Xia's fans, and the two sides quarreled.

    After Mike stated his ideas clearly, it was the turn of the mathematicians in the audience to ask questions about his statement.

    However, when he said that everyone could ask questions, the mathematicians from all over the world fell silent.

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