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Chapter 122

    The Princeton Mathematical Exchange is an international academic conference, and its gold content goes without saying. Combined with the fact that Huaguo's mathematics community has been slightly weak in recent years and few mathematicians have international influence, coupled with Mingxia's current status, this The first trip abroad was reimbursed by the Huaguo University of Science and Technology, which she was about to enroll at public expense. There was no additional exchange program for three or four days, so she prepared a budget of 5,000 knives for her. Converted into RMB, it was 30,000 Many, this is relatively generous.

    Knowing that the school had given such a high budget, Ming Xia had already chatted with Ethen on WeChat, and Ming Xia, who knew the consumer price in the United States, hurriedly said that it could be reduced by half. She still has cooperation projects in two research directions, and she has no time to travel. She will come back immediately after participating in the academic exchange, and it will not cost so much money, but the reply from the school said that this is the budget, just in case, Take it first, if you can't spend it all, come back and talk again.

    After all, with Huami’s trade war so tense, Ming Xia, as the most influential mathematician in China, went to participate in this academic exchange with the United States, which expressed support for the United States in the trade war, which meant that it was impossible for her to be the only one. I, but Huaguo's current facade in the academic world, naturally deserve attention.

    Knowing that sister Ming was struggling with this issue, Wu Qiqi, who is concerned about international current affairs, helped to explain it, so that Ming Xia could figure out the relationship of interests, so she didn't say that the budget was too high. In fact, Huaguo University of Science and Technology even fought hard for the reimbursement unit for this public exchange, because the Huaguo Mathematical Association, including the Department of Mathematics of Jinghua University and the Hu Yi Institute of Physics, etc. Give the budget for this time.

    Then, when Ming Xia comes back, you can issue a draft, saying that graduates of the Department of Mathematics of Jinghua University/honorary members of Huaguo Mathematics Association/physics experts of Hu Yi Institute of Physics/.../Ming Xia participated in the international mathematics conference on behalf of the unit The academic exchange conference is very honorable. In the eyes of netizens, the difference between the official and the unofficial is the difference between the official and the unofficial. If you want to promote your unit, it can also be understood as an advertiser seeking to increase the name in disguise. The exposure rate is only different in the field, but the purpose is the same.

    The gold content of this is much higher than that of SCI papers, and it is not eligible for ordinary people to participate. It is an honor to be able to give a report on stage, not to mention that Ming Xia was invited.

    Hen had been waiting at the exit of the airport for a long time, and Amanda came with him, the woman in the foreign couple who Mingxia met at the milk tea shop on the pedestrian street who did not understand Chinese, and she was also the one who joined Cheng Qiuyu Mathematics Judges for the finals of the awards.

    "This is Amanda. She said that you have met before. We both ate lobsters at the Huaguo night market together. We are very close friends, so I won't introduce you." Ethen stretched out his hand as he spoke, intending to help Mingxia carry the suitcase. Seeing that the two muscular men in white T-shirts who followed her had already taken it, she couldn't help but gestured suspiciously.

    Ming Xia only said: "It's my friend. He was worried that I would be unsafe abroad alone, so he came with me."

    Such a muscular friend? Bodyguards are about the same.

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