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Chapter 106

    The boy struggled desperately, but was still held by two policemen, one left and one right. Looking at his fading figure, the institute was silent.

    Those experts and doctors are not bad. After all, age and experience are there. Over the past few decades, people of all kinds have seen it. Although they are a little emotional, they also know that human beings are very complicated and advanced animals. It's not that difficult to accept this matter, but the undergraduates and other graduate students in the team really can't understand it.

    In their view, although boys are from rural areas, the current level of social development has improved a lot compared to the 1960s and 1970s. They are very particular about fairness, and their rural origins are not a problem at all. Everyone is the same, and they can pass the college entrance examination to get out of the country. A different life, but being able to become a graduate student of a prestigious university, even entering this research institute to conduct project research with them, also proves that the boys are excellent, the future is absolutely bright, how can they be caught by this unsafe and morally contrary immediate interests tempted?

    Money is of course important, and no place will work without money, but if it is money obtained through informal channels, and you are not at ease spending it, or even dare to spend it, is there any need to take this money? Although everyone says they like pies from the sky, only by spending the money earned through your own efforts and enjoying the results you deserve after your efforts can you be truly satisfied.

    The research and development of the new QKD product, Ming Xia put in the most energy among all the people, and now it is reasonable to get the praise from the society and the material reward from the research institute. This is "no pain, no gain" ". He is not as good as others, and he doesn't pay as much as others, but he betrays his conscience, hoping to step on the achievements of others to get rewards that don't belong to him.

    Just like the principle of causality in Marxist philosophy, the fact that boys have fallen to this end is actually the result of self-inflicted evil and greed.

    Everyone was still immersed in thinking and disappointment, but Ming Xia felt that there was no need to waste time on this kind of person. She had already packed up the materials sent by Evariste, said hello to everyone, and together with Guo Zihao, prepared to He left, but was stopped by Chu Yujia.

    "Are you going back to school? Exactly, I'm going to find Lao Jiang, let's go together." She said.

    Scientists in any country, unless they have produced major research results that must be handed over to the country, are not necessarily serving the public. They can also choose to work in a private research institute like Chu Yujia, and their salary will be much higher than that of the public. It's all about personal choice. Chu Yujia used to work in another research institute, and she has more say in quantum physics. Because of the salary issue and the influence of the research philosophy of the research institute, she jumped ship and came here.

    Chu Yujia is Jiang Ye's wife, and Ming Xia is deeply loved and valued by Jiang Ye because of the proof of "Zhou's conjecture". From the time when she first came into contact with quantum mechanics last year, she has been in this "Hu Yi physics research". So", always under her guidance and care. Now, although the relationship between the two is not as close as that of Professor Gu, they get along very well, and they have a good impression of each other, which is within the scope of friends.

    Therefore, when Chu Yujia called her, Ming Xia stopped and stood at the door waiting for her.

    "Okay, let the matter pass, don't think about it anymore." Looking at the other people in the room, Chu Yujia sighed, and said with a smile, "During this time, I am very happy to be with everyone Doing research, I hope that someone will come to work in our research institute in the future, so we will definitely have the opportunity to continue to discuss in the same team.”

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