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Chapter 124

    In fact, no matter which discipline, it will follow the laws of philosophy when it develops, and it will spiral upward.

    Copernicus used the "heliocentric theory" to overthrow the "earth-centered theory", but later, people discovered that the sun is not the center of the world, it revolves around the center of the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is just an extremely insignificant one of the hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe . Great as Einstein, admitted that his insistence on a static model of the universe was a mistake. Hawking also overturned his own theory. In the research of information and black holes, he paid attention to the existence of the critical point of Planck mass.


    Speaking of it, there seem to be many such examples, but human history has been passed down for thousands of years, and the development of science has also experienced the learning and promotion of tens of billions of people. From a proportional point of view, those who dare to break the established theory They seem to be few and rare, but all of them have become great men who will never be forgotten in history.

    In the 21st century, science has developed rapidly and people's quality of life has been greatly improved. This is undeniable, but perhaps the academic and scientific research circles should also admit that there has been no new blood for a long time. This "fresh blood" does not refer to new talents. With a population of more than 7 billion people in the world, it is impossible to have no talents. What is lacking is actually the courage to break the established theory and use the theory as a weapon, like Pangu opened the world. A person who opens up a new unknown world for everyone.

    And now, Ming Xia has done it.

    She overthrew the classic ylz theory, put forward her own mx1 theory, proved the Riemann hypothesis, and indirectly made more than a thousand articles proposed by other researchers in the form of the Riemann conjecture or the extension of the Riemann hypothesis. Mathematical propositions based on the premise.

    Just now, when Mike published the proof, everyone was quiet and silent, excited that the Riemann Hypothesis was proved, but now, the whole auditorium fell into silence, it was the ylz theory that was overthrown, the mx1 theory was put forward, and it was Li Mann's hypothesis was proven.

    But in essence, in fact, it was Ming Xia who really shocked them.

    In the press conference on the proof of the "Goldbach Conjecture" in Japan before, Saki Akimoto was in front, and she had already stated the general idea, coupled with the earlier proposal of the "pseudo-proposition idea", her statement soon became it's over. But this time, all of Ming Xia's statements, to them, were a brand new window in the world of mathematics was opened, and it took a long time to re-dye.

    And when she finished stating the final Riemann Hypothesis, she was also questioned by mathematicians from all over the world sitting in the audience. This academic exchange meeting has also been held from 2:30 in the afternoon to 2:00 in the morning Half. Excluding the one hour spent by Mike, the remaining eleven hours were all used by Ming Xia.

    She broke all theories and logics into pieces to talk about, one step followed by the other, and she couldn't find any logical loopholes at all, and it didn't make people feel that the thinking jump couldn't keep up.

    Compared with the proof conference, in fact, this is more similar to a lecture. It is a class where a person with cutting-edge thinking that is completely ahead of the world leads old thinking scholars to open up a new world.

    Logically speaking, this is like the teacher's class, it should be longer, and Ming Xia's statement continued until the early morning, which will make everyone feel more tired. But in fact, it was Ming Xia's statement. Whether it was the mathematicians in the audience or the netizens from all over the world in the live broadcast room, they all listened more energetically.

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