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Chapter 125

Goldbach's conjecture was proved last year, which seemed to be a watershed. After that, she has been busy with various things, and her whole person is like a busy spinning top. Therefore, Riemann assumed that she could only think about it, and wanted to wait until she was free, and then systematically consider how the whole should be expressed, but she did not expect that she would suddenly receive an invitation to participate in the Princeton Mathematical Academic Exchange Conference.

Considering the current stalemate trade war between China and the United States, not only Wu Qiqi, but Minister Feng, Academician Pan, Professor Jiang Haichao and others have expressed concern about Ming Xia's trip to the United States. The reason two "friends" came. In fact, the first time she arrived in the United States, before she even left the airport, two "friends" told her that there were civilian clothes following and monitoring them.

At that time, Ming Xia only said to wait and see what happened, but when Mike pointed at her, she immediately took out the notebook she carried with her, and sorted out the proofs that were only logical in her mind before, as quickly as possible, and then, Raise your hand to speak, expressing challenge.

This may be something that people with a little bit of blood in their bones can't help but do. They can bend and stretch. It's a virtue story in elementary school textbooks. However, under the premise of ability, who doesn't want to maintain absolute dignity for the motherland and proud.

If you have the face, you have to hit it on the spot, or wait for it to expire? Seeing that the opponent is showing off, there is a woolen meaning.

However, apart from the idea of ​​letting out a sigh of relief, Ming Xia actually considered the uniqueness of the information age from the side.

Not afraid of 10,000, just in case, who knows if the United States will make a fuss and, together with the United States, do something that shames and shames people? Instead of walking on eggshells all day, it's better to use a different method, high-profile, public, and proud, so that the whole world will draw attention to her.

Overthrow the old classic theory, put forward a new theory, and prove the Riemann Hypothesis.

Speaking out, there are only three simple items, but the actual impact is far more than these three items.

Ming Xia is not arrogant, but she is also not overly modest. After making this series of movements, she knew that she deserved the curiosity and attention of the whole world, and it was enough to make the world's focus become a protective umbrella for her trip to the United States in the past few days.

The information age is good, and the keyboard man is good, as long as the person being insulted from the moral high ground is really worthy of scolding. She just wanted to see, before, the United States made so many mistakes because of the espionage, and even publicly apologized. It was so embarrassing in the world. Will the United States force its true love to lower its intelligence, and is willing to embarrass itself with the United States.

She guessed, probably not. Although the United States is indeed "a little bit" shameless at times, it still prefers to find all kinds of fair reasons for itself. For example, the matter of adding troops to the Middle East before, it is very upright, and it will not be done out of thin air. Yes. As for the false reasons and supporting materials they filed against her, Ming Xia also read them, and then deleted them, leaving an "x" mark.

Fortunately, when going out, Ming Xia didn't bother, and brought the computer with "Tuanzi" written on it, just thinking that it might be used.

As it turned out, her instincts were right.

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