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Chapter 17

    In the 21st century, color is justice. Life is so busy, so tiring, and so bitter, why can't everyone find happiness in Dangyangou's daily life?

    Especially many boys in high school, because their lives are basically two points and one line, there are few entertainment items, and they can chat about one thing several times over and over again, let alone girls who are so good at this level and have such temperament.

    You must be curious and quiet, Mimi wants to chase!

    At some point, most of the people in front of the "big red list" were girls. The boys retreated silently, gathered together in groups of three or four, discussing something with their eyes shining, and from time to time, they even glanced at one of the girls.

    Because they didn't know who they were discussing, all the girls who were standing in the direction of their eyes and vaguely heard the boys talking quietly stood up straight, and the expressions on their faces were slightly restrained.

    Jiang Yueyue was also one of these girls.

    Standing in front of the "Big Red List", looking at herself whose name was ranked high in the first row, and feeling the constant stares from the boys behind her, Jiang Yueyue showed a reserved and proud smile on her face.

    "Yueyue, you entered the top ten of the grade this time! It's really amazing!" Zhu Mengqian also saw her name and sighed enviously.

    The corners of Jiang Yueyue's mouth were slightly raised, her face was proud, and she spoke with her usual self-modesty: "No, I'm just lucky, and you can do it too."

    Zhu Mengqian shook her head dejectedly: "I must be in the first grade of high school. At that time, I used up all my luck at once to get into the intensive class, but I was always at the bottom of the class."

    "Don't think so." Jiang Yueyue reached out and patted Zhu Mengqian on the shoulder, pointing to her The name at the end of the "big red list" comforted her, "Look, you are also in the top 200 in science, and you have never fallen out, haven't you? In the eyes of others, you are already a great student "

    As if comforted, Zhu Mengqian pursed her lips and nodded.

    She lowered her head and looked at her ranking for a while. Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, and turned to look at Jiang Yueyue: "Speaking of it, Yueyue, do you know how that cousin did in the exam this time? Could it be that she still Just like before, you are at the bottom of the ordinary class, and you haven't been in the bottom five of the class in eight hundred years?" When

    Jiang Yueyue mentioned her cousin, a trace of disdain flashed in Jiang Yueyue's eyes, but she suppressed the smile on her face and sighed softly. He breathed a sigh of relief: "Yeah, she's already in her third year of high school, and she still doesn't live up to expectations, making uncle and aunt very worried."

    Zhu Mengqian curled her lips: "Frankly speaking, Yueyue, I really think your uncle and aunt are very unlucky Yes. After all, if you think about it differently, if it is me who is such a rebellious and uneducated daughter, I will really be pissed off."

    Seemingly being poked into a sore spot, Jiang Yueyue lowered her head with a sad expression.

    "I persuaded her many times." She said, "but not only did she not listen, she also said that I was hypocritical and contrived, and told me to get out of her house."

    "Ah? There is such a thing? God! How can she be such a person?" Ah!" Zhu Mengqian was shocked.

    She often heard Jiang Yueyue mention her cousin. She knew that Yueyue's cousin liked to wear heavy makeup and was very rebellious. She skipped classes all day long, fought, went to Internet cafes, and was not friendly at all to Yueyue, a little basic quality. nothing.

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