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Chapter 78

    More than a hundred years ago, the Hungarian mathematics community organized the first middle school mathematics competition in memory of the mathematician Utvas Roland. At first, it was only competitions at the school and district levels. Later, it was extended to the whole country, and gradually formed a pyramid-style competition system, which was further developed to create the necessary conditions for the highest level of international competition, which is today's io .

    The venue of this year's io is Cluj-Napoca, a city located in the northwest of Romania. It is also the academic, cultural and industrial center of Romania. With more than 2,000 years of history and legacy buildings, it is the cradle of Romanian civilization. At the beginning, the first io was held in Cluj, and it was held here again this year. As the country that hosts the most ios, the people of Romania have always been very proud.

    Compared with the seven countries in the first session, this year, there are a total of 116 participating countries and 615 contestants. It seems a lot, but for each country, the quota can be counted on one hand.

    In order to show fairness, the host country does not provide test questions every year, but is provided by each participating country. After being selected by the host country, it is submitted to the main test committee for voting, and the final 6 test questions are produced, and then written in English, French, German, Working languages ​​such as Russian are translated into national languages ​​by the team leaders of each country.

    Before participating in the training of the national training team, Ming Xia learned that, as a well-known contemporary mathematician in Huaguo, Wu Chenyi is one of the leaders of Huaguo io this year, and the other team leader is Professor Jiang Haichao. It's just that, originally, Ming Xia thought that the team leader was the teacher in charge of leading the team, but she didn't expect that from the time she went to Beijing to the time the plane landed in Cluj, she never saw them. The test questions will be translated for the national contestants. In order to prevent leakage of the questions, the contestants cannot meet with the contestants before the end of the competition.

    After the plane landed, Ming Xia and the others took their luggage, went to the hotel arranged by the host country to stay, registered, and received the bag, which contained the competition certificate, official t-shirt, hat and mascot.

    Most countries choose to arrive today. In the hotel, there are contestants coming and going. Their skin colors are different in black, white and yellow, but the excitement and anticipation on their faces are the same.

    On the 13th, the opening ceremony of io was held, and at the same time, live broadcasts in various countries were also going on.

    Push Book; A Good Man’s Operation Guide [Quick Travel] Author: Tang

    Zhongmao In the past few years, people who pay attention to io are generally math lovers, or have children with potential in mathematics at home. They may participate in ho in the future, or even The io kind, but this year's traffic has soared, especially Huaguo's live broadcast, which has directly doubled several times. Among them, although there is a reason for the good publicity, it is also because among the contestants of this year's io, there is a real master who has proved the century-old problem of "Zhou's guess", which aroused everyone's curiosity.

    Huaguo's mathematics is very good, which is recognized by the whole world, but at the same time, last year and the year before last, for two consecutive years, the io champion was taken away by the United States. Everyone couldn't help but doubt Huaguo's mathematical strength.

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