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Chapter 94

    Today, Ming Xia originally didn't want to come out and wanted to continue doing research in the institute, but Gu Huizhou insisted that this person who has always had a warm personality in front of her and never lost his temper rarely turned cold, so she hesitated.

    Taking Ming Xia to the corner of the stairs of the research institute, Gu Huizhou frowned tightly, looked at her, and said in a very serious tone: "Ming Xia, you can't keep crushing yourself like this, the pressure is too great, and you are too tired I know that Mr. Zhang has expectations for you, and you don't want to disappoint him, but he definitely doesn't want you to ruin your health for a short-term research, but hopes that you can work hard for a long time to serve the country To make more contributions to scientific research, you have to be clear about what Mr. Zhang is really looking forward to.”

    The air-conditioning in the research institute is warm, but this can’t change that today is the Lantern Festival. The fact that the regular employees who clock in at work, everyone went to celebrate the festival, not only in their area, but also in the entire floor, or in other words, there are only a few people in the entire research institute, which is very cold.

    Recently, Ming Xia has really pushed herself too hard. Once before, during the experiment, she even felt that her temples were throbbing wildly and her head hurt, which was the result of staying up too late recently. After hesitating for a while, he followed Gu Huizhou out, also thinking to give himself a little relief.

    On the night of Shangyuan night, Chang'an Street in the first capital is brightly lit, and vehicles of various styles and brands shuttle through the street, and there are classical-style buildings next to it, which has a sense of time and space. This street is considered to be the "First Street of China" in Huaguo. It was named after it was located in the left gate of Chang'an and the right gate of Chang'an in the old days. On the south side of Chang'an Avenue, the military parade will be held here, and the importance can be imagined.

    Pulling the car to the side, Ming Xia and Gu Huizhou got out of the car, and walked quietly by the roadside without chatting, but this was already a long-lost leisure and rest for Ming Xia. The evening wind in winter is bitingly cold, there is a lantern festival in front of it, the fire trees and silver flowers are never night, and the fresh fragrance of all kinds of food can be faintly smelled in the air.

    The two walked to the place where the lantern festival was held. It was different from the coldness of the research institute. There was a lot of music and voices, and it was very lively. Many girls who came towards Ming Xia were holding cute lanterns, and beside them were boyfriends or Girlfriends all had happy and satisfied smiles on their faces.

    Ming Xia walked to a stall and looked at the marquee that the stall owner put up for sale, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

    The marquee lanterns in ancient times were very exquisite, and they were handicrafts. The paper was cut into the shape of a human horse, and stuck to the paper wheel in the lamp shell. The flame pushed the air to make the paper-cut figures rotate, forming a "horse race" pattern. It is not only a visual sense, but not the simple electronic mechanical version of today. It is simply a lamp with a horse pattern around it. When it is turned on, the music "beep, beep, beep", but it is more in line with the rhythm of the current era and more integrated into life. , It can be regarded as a simple inheritance of traditional artworks.

    Of course, if possible, Ming Xia still hopes that everyone can learn more about some real history. God knows, when she saw a few handsome girls wearing woolen Ming-made jacket skirts, running past laughing all the way, her eyes lit up.

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